Agora. Papeles de Filosofía is a half-yearly published journal founded in 1980. It is promoted by the Faculty of Philosophy of USC. It publishes original works in all subfields of philosophy. Ágora has the quality imprint of the FECYT and is indexed in SCOPUS, Philosopher’s Index, ESCI, ANVUR, ERIH PLUS, PIO, ISOC, Fuente Académica Premier, TOC Premier, DIALNET, SUMARIS CBUC, REDIB.
The digital portal of Ágora is published in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are the Galician, Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian and German.


Vol 43 No 2 (2024)

Published: 2024-02-26

Table of contents

Anos con Agora

  • Luis García Soto
Published: 26-02-2024

Inherited, bought, gifted: Emilia Pardo Bazán's 'own' library

  • María Xosé Agra Romero
  • Concha Varela Orol
Published: 26-02-2024

Grief over the death of a non-human animal

  • Rocío Cázares Blanco
Published: 26-02-2024

Landscape and Iberism in Miguel de Unamuno

  • Gemma Gordo Piñar
Published: 26-02-2024

Libros recibidos

  • Luis García Soto
Published: 26-02-2024


  • Luis García Soto
Published: 26-02-2024

Evaluadoras/es de "Agora. Papeles de Filosofía" (2023-24)

  • Luis García Soto
Published: 26-02-2024
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