The journal publishes a volume each year as it alternates between those dedicated to Linguistics (odd numbers) and those dedicated to Literature (even numbers.) In the volumes oriented towards Linguistics the preferential areas are: the Spanish language, General Linguistics and Classical Philology, and only exceptionally is work related to other areas published. In the volumes oriented towards Literature, the preferential areas are: Spanish Literature, Galician Philology and Literary Theory, although other work on literature in all languages is also commonly accepted.
The common structure for the volumes of this journal includes articles and reviews. Quite frequently, above all in the volumes dedicated to Literature, there exists a monographic section which makes up the first block of articles. In those dedicated to Linguistics, the articles themselves are kept separate from the “notes”, or papers conceived as being shorter in format or about a very specific area of research.
Moenia is indexed in ERIH PLUS, LLBA, MLA, LINGUISTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY, ESCI, REGESTA IMPERII, REDIB, Fuente Academica Premier, TOC Premier, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, SUMARIS CBUC. Has been accepted in SCOPUS as of June 4, 2019.
The digital portal of Moenia is published in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, English and Italian.

On Indo-European Prosthesis

  • Xaverio Ballester
  • Peter Dunphy-Hetherington
Published 22-08-2023

The origin of the vowel that is sometimes found before sonorants, especially before /r/, in Armenian and Greek has been a traditional subject of debate in Indo–European Linguistics. While some authors explain it as a mere prothetic vowel, the followers of the so–called laryngeal theory consider it rather as another evidence of this odd phoneme.

Syntax and Discourse: The Independent Infinitive in Tweets as a Variant and Desubjectivizing Point of View

  • María José Serrano
Published 24-08-2023

In digital settings and, epecially in the social network, Twitter, there exists a recurring use of the independent infinitive which is employed to express states or emotions and that, in this study, is referred to as the communicative infinitive. It is posible to explain the use of the independent infinitive in Tweets as a way to defocalize the agent, and, at the same time, construct a desubjectivizing point of view of the discourse. To reach this conclusion, based on a discourse-cognitive analysis of the phenomenon that is substantiated with cognitive prominence, this study analyzed the type of verbal lexeme used to construct Tweets that contain a communicative infinitive since one considers that, in most cases, the same lexeme constucts the communicative event itself and, in this way, becomes a form of personal expresion.

Aspectual Periphrases in Current Medical Discourse

  • Beatriz Ruiz Granados
Published 08-11-2023

The objective of this paper is to analyse the incidence of medical discourse in the functioning of the periphrases associated with the grammatical aspect. To this end, we examine the treatment of the aspectual formations in specialized texts, specifically in the field of medicine. Based on the hypothesis that the communicative situation influences the behaviour of the category object of study, we carry out a comparative analysis of the aspectual periphrases used in general communication and in specialized discourse by means of two fundamental variables, namely: frequency of use and semantic values. As we show, the grammatical category modifies its distinctive properties from one discourse to another.

The Translation of the Fantasy Genre through Corpora and Other Technological Resources: "The City of Brass"

  • Laura Noriega Santiáñez
  • Gloria Corpas Pastor
Published 22-08-2023

This paper presents an innovative study in which we conducted an experimental alternative translation assisted by language technologies. This methodology is not common in the field of literary translation, especially given the challenges of translating fantastic works. Based on the main problems observed (and with special emphasis on the phraseological component), we will evaluate the translational challenges of the novel The City of Brass (Shannon A. Chakraborty, 2017). Our main goal is to study the usefulness of corpora and other electronic resources for the analysis and translation of phraseological and neological phenomena specific to this genre at hand (adult fantasy novels).

Semantic values and functional behaviour of the verbs "aver" ("haber") and "tener" in Juan de Valdés’ "Diálogo de la lengua"

  • María Kítova-Vasíleva
Published 18-09-2023

This article seeks to analyze the only non-religious work by the humanist Juan de Valdés, from Cuenca, in order to describe the values and functional behavior of the verb pair habēre > aver (haber) and tenēre > tener that,emwhile not identical in Latin, did have similar meanings. Written during the 1530s and published two hundred years later, this work may not have influenced the development of Castilian Spanish in the early Golden Age as much as the Cervantine novels were able to a century later, but there is no doubt that his Diálogo de la lengua, which is explicitly dedicated to problems of a linguistic nature, helps to inform about the historical evolution of this language in a period in which it was taking its first steps to become what Spanish is today. It is true that the work under study reflects only a short segment in the long series of changes that certain verbal structures underwent, but we consider that, however brief, this historical part of the Spanish verbal system is important as such and provides insight into how it developed

"Otramente": Documentation and use as a conditional protasis

  • José Antonio Bartol Hernández
Published 07-09-2023

This article analyses the documented history of the adverb otramente in texts collected in the CDH (Corpus del Diccionario histórico del español) and its use as conditional protasis. After a brief mention of the Latin antecedents and the descendants in some Romance languages, the first part of the article focuses on the review of the works in which the adverb is used. The temporal extension and the differences between the epochs are pointed out, and geographical and/or typological reasons for its use are discussed. The second part focuses on the use of otramente as a conditional protasis converted into a conjunctive locution. We point out the types of conditionals in which it appears, the verbal forms of the apodosis, as well as the linguistic context in which these constructions are inserted. Final conclusions close the article.

Desubjetivación del discurso escrito y gestión de referentes en las formas de la primera persona del plural en español

  • Óscar Javier Rodríguez García
Published 07-12-2023

The aim of this paper is to show meaning differences between the expressed (nosotros/as) and omitted (ø) variants of first-person plural and their role in the creation of communicative styles, disposed along an objectivity/subjectivity continuum. First-person plural is a meaningful choice available to speakers in order to index their own presence in discourse, but some other persons could also be included in its reference to a greater or lesser extent depending on the meaning created in the interaction. From the analytic properties of salience and informativeness, it is feasible to explain meanings of each variant. With this purpose, a corpus of written texts from the field of school is analyzed. The results show that the inclusion or exclusion of other persons or the audience in their reference benefits each variant to acquire a unique meaning, determined by the degree of involvement of the speaker in the content of the discourse, which can lead to the creation of socio-communicative styles. Likewise, certain discursive-cognitive factors, such as the type of verb that co-appears with each of the variants studied, help to determine its versatility in communication

Cognitive-cultural Aspects Underlying the Use of Evidential Markers in Galician

  • Mercedes González Vázquez
Published 22-08-2023

This article focuses on the analysis of some underlying aspects that influence the use of evidential markers in Galician. After the presentation of the set of forms of Galician evidential system, we will focus on the influence that the cognitive factor of the territory of information (Kamio 1997) and the cultural factor of negative politeness (Brown & Levinson 1987) play on the decision to use evidential expressions. Regarding the territory of information, two conditions determine the presence of evidentiality: firstly, the subjective perception of the limits of the speaker's territory and, secondly, the perception of whether the speaker has the epistemic authority to assert the propositional content. As for the negative politeness, it is confirmed that it is a major determinant of the occurrence of evidentials in interaction. We will also show that Galician language, as a language spoken in a culture prone to negative politeness, possesses some of the verbal characteristics of distancing cultures (Haverkate 1994, 2000), which tend to use evidential markers as attenuating mechanisms.

On the threshold of the dictionary: neologisms inside and outside the Diccionario de la Lengua Española

  • Juan Saúl Salomón Plata
Published 17-01-2024

In this study, attention is given, firstly, to the theoretical criteria advocated by the most recent research to admit or sanction the entry of a neologism into the lexicographical repertories of the Spanish language. In this sense, the study by Bernal, Freixa and Torner (2020) offers a state of the art regarding the dictionariability of new creations taking into account the factor of frequency, semantics and formal, as well as a wide-ranging practical application, whose contributions are analyzed and commented on in the theoretical section. These concepts are supplemented, secondly, by the practical application of the three criteria to the words that are inside and outside the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, i. e. both to the neologisms that have been incorporated into the Diccionario de la Lengua Española (DLE) in the December 2021 update and to the lexical creations that make up the Observatorio de Palabras of institution. The aim is to reflect in practice on the academic decision that guides the acceptance or rejection of new voices in the configuration of the philological reference instrument based on the theoretical criteria mentioned (frequency, formal and semantic) and, therefore, on the most current and burning neology of our time.

Verbal tense and physical time elapsed from the perspective of the relevance of the past event for the moment of utterance: an empirical study on twelve action verbs in research texts

  • Ilpo Kempas
  • Chiara Valente
Published 30-05-2024

This study focuses on the use of two tenses, the passato prossimo (PP) and the passato remoto (PR), in a particular research setting: the in-text citations of diverse scientific texts in relation to the temporal distance between the year of publication of the source cited and that of the text itself.
Traditionally, the literature assigns these tenses the function of referring to recent events and/or events relevant at the present moment (PP) and to distant situations with no current relevance (PR). In addition, the Italian language shows the expansion of the lapse of time considered adequate for the use of the PP towards events that took place in a more distant past, and, finally, diatopic variation, with speakers from some areas of the Peninsula tending to expand this lapse even further and to consider the use of the PP correct even when referring to very distant past events.
Based on these premises, through the results of this analysis, we firstly empirically demonstrate the importance of the lapse of time, in terms of years, between the event (in this case, the publication of the text referred to) and the moment of enunciation (or, the text being written) for the choice of both tenses. Secondly, the results show the use of the PP in references to temporally distant situations and, at the same time, the complete absence of the PR in references to the year of publication of the text itself. In conclusion, we demonstrate the close relationship between the present relevance perceived by the authors and the physical time between the scientific work and the cited source.

Bleachings of the Subjunctive in European Spanish: a Dialectal Approach

  • Borja Alonso Pascua
Published 17-11-2023

This paper analyses several cases of use of the indicative tenses as a substitute of the subjunctive mood in the European Spanish varieties. Using a bank of samples taken from the Audible Corpus of Spoken Rural Spanish, contexts are studied in which this bleaching is detected, as well as its core geographical area. The data point to Eastern Iberia as the zone with the highest concentration of occurrences. This behaviour is linked to the general subjunctive bleaching of other European languages for the purpose of outlining a geographical pattern that shows how the retention of this mood weakens as the focus approximates to Central Europe

Modal Periphrasis and Variation

  • Fco. Javier Vellón Lahoz
Published 12-02-2024

This article presents a variationist research on Spanish modal periphrases of deontic value with three auxiliary verbs: haber, tener and deber. The study is based on a corpus of theatrical texts from the 16th century, made up of dramatic works covering the whole century and the different genres. The aim of the research is to contrast the results obtained on the grammatical, stylistic and social factors that condition the use of the different periphrases with those of previous works focusing on a corpus of texts close to the pole of communicative immediacy (mainly private letters). The purpouse of the work is to check whether the variable conditioning of periphrases responds to the same factors, and with the same direction of effect on their use, or whether, on the contrary, there are revealing differences between one discursive tradition and another.

The The time updating imperfecto in Spanish

  • Jakob Egetenmeyer
Published 15-04-2024

The Spanish imperfecto may be used to update time in a narrative or a report. We take this phenomenon as a core property in order to account for a set of uses of the imperfective past tense-aspect form. We delimit these uses and sub-classify them according to their roles in the more abstract temporal structure. In order to do so, we apply the prominence-based account of temporal discourse structure by Becker & Egetenmeyer (2018). The findings of our analysis of the Spanish imperfecto are tripartite. First, we show that the typical narrative imperfect is only one instantiation of the updating imperfect and that there are also other interesting uses. Second, not all uses classified as cases of the narrative imperfecto in the research literature fall into our class of updating uses. Third, although there are unquestionable parallels with respect to the French updating imparfait, the assumption that the two forms have the same usage potential needs to be dismissed. We show that, within our more fine-grained categories, there are important differences between the two languages

Spanish Imperative in Processes of Subjectivisation and Locutionalization

  • Elena Bajo Pérez
Published 09-11-2023

There are many verb forms in the Spanish imperative involved in grammaticalization (subjetivisation, intersubjetivisation) processes. It is common for old imperatives to become interjections (¡Oye!, ¡Mira!, ¡No veas!...), which ―used as discourse markers or not― can be employed on their own or take complements. Sometimes, these complements are the same as those of the argument structure of the original verb (¡Tócate las narices!, ¡Chúpate esa!...), but some other times, different types of complements may appear (cf. ¡Fíjate en Ana! and ¡Fíjate Ana!, ¡Imagínate a los vecinos! and ¡Imagínate los vecinos!). Furthermore, very frequently, former Spanish imperatives introduce interjective constructions including free elements (Anda que no...). These constructions, whose syntactic structure cannot be analyzed without taking into account its emphatic character, imply a certain degree of idiomacity. In addition to that, old imperatives are often part of numerous interjective phrases (idiomatic or not) and interjective sentential formulae.

Analytic Future in the Mirror of the Compound Perfect. On the Existence of a Pro‑present in Spanish

  • Susana Azpiazu
Published 28-04-2024

Based on an alleged functional parallelism between the Present Perfect (PP) and the periphrastic or analytic future (AF - ir a + infinitive) in Spanish, we analyse the semantic and functional behaviour of the latter form, its aspectual, temporal, modal and discursive nuances and its contrast with the Simple or Synthetic Future Form (SF). The theoretical analysis is based on empirical data extracted from the analysis of the spoken corpus of two Spanish-speaking cities, Buenos Aires and Madrid. The scope of the concept current relevance is analysed and the possibility of a contrast in terms of informative prominence is presented. The temporal structure of the AF (both with the auxiliary in the Present and the Imperfect form) is also explained in terms parallel to those exposed by Veiga (2014b, 2019) for the Present Perfect. We propose, there fore, the terms propresente and propretérito for both periphrastic futures, without ignoring that PP and AF are at a different stage of the grammaticalization / temporalization process within the Spanish verbal system.

A study on the Process of Teaching and Learning the pretérito perfeito composto in Portuguese for Spanish-speakers: A systemized revision of the literature

  • Rocio Alonso Rey
Published 13-06-2024

The studies in the field of Portuguese for Spanish speakers, based on the particular characteristics observed in the learning process, have proposed a set of methodological guidelines for teaching to this group of speakers. These orientations have not always found an easy fit in the classroom, usually because they are too general and not explicit enough for their application. In order to contribute to bringing more specific and well-founded didactic proposals, this paper presents a map and review of studies that examine the teaching and learning process for Spanish speakers in a specific divergent aspect, the pretérito perfeito composto, to determine how its functioning is described in the framework of Portuguese for Spanish speakers and what proposals are made for its treatment in the classroom. This review will allow to determine the current state and gaps in the research on this aspect, presenting the current state and gaps in research on this aspect.

Analysis of the Structure of Elements that Express Temporality in Spanish and a Proposal for a Hierarchy among Them

  • Isaac Castrillo de la Mata
Published 11-04-2024

In Spanish there are different types of elements that allow us to express temporal information in order to situate the enunciated action in a timeline. Despite the different nature of these elements, we believe that they should all share a common content that allows them to convey information of a similar nature. In our opinion, this common characteristic lies in the vectorial character of these elements. In this paper we will propose an outline of a classification of these elements according to the type of vectoriality on which they are built. In addition, we will try to establish some kind of hierarchical organization of these elements according to the importance that speakers give them when interpreting the temporal information of the utterances.

Past Perfect Tenses Used with Temporal Adverbs ayer, jamás, previamente, recientemente, recién and ahora

  • M.ª del Rosario Llorente Pinto
Published 13-05-2024

In this paper we analyze the uses of the present perfect (PPC) and the past perfect (PPS) in combination with the temporal markers: ayer, jamás, previamente, recientemente, recién y ahora to establish a contrast between the uses of Spain and the of Spanish-speaking America. We took CORPES XXI as a source, in which 90 % of the texts correspond to written language and 10 % to oral language and verified that ahora is the marker that most favors the appearance of the PPC in most countries and with very high frequencies. The combination of this tense with ayer as was predictable, presents very low percentages, although the average for Peru reaches 2 %, which may indicate a greater tendency than in other areas towards its use as an aorist.

A selected and annotated bibliography on linguistic prejudices, misconceptions, and myths about language

  • Victor M. Longa Martínez
Published 06-02-2024

Human beings assume all kinds of prejudices; unfortunately, language, as a key human feature, is not free of them. Many linguistic prejudices and myths on language and languages pervade human societies. Linguistic prejudices are really harmful, for they promote the discrimination against individuals or groups, and, beyond that, are an expression of racism. As language professionals, one of the linguists’ tasks is to fight against them, for reasons having to do with the linguists’ social commitment and responsibility. This paper shows some of those efforts, by selecting and commenting 136 references that critically discuss and reject linguistic prejudices, misconceptions and myths concerning language, languages, and varieties.

Connotative and intentional uses of Spanish discourse formulated in the first person plural. Pragmatic and inferential analysis.

  • Jesús Portillo Fernández
Published 21-06-2024

The present research analyses the connotative and intentional uses of Spanish discourse formulated in the first person plural. We present a pragmatic and inferential study that takes as its starting point the etymological origin of the first person personal pronouns, the diachronic review of the research with the greatest impact on deixis, the distinction between inclusive and exclusive uses of the first person plural and the lack of morphological marks in current Spanish to differentiate these characteristics. We analyse the alteration of authorship/responsibility, singularity, affective involvement, real or fictitious participation, representation, the assimilation of vital coordinates, the exercise of parental authority, the externalisation of inner language and the redefinition of the deictic axis starting from the marked uses of the first person plural.

Palabras de último adiós para María Kítova (1949-2023)

  • Eugenia Vúcheva
Published 19-12-2023

Invented and humorous voices in the Diccionario de Autoridades: creation processes from the noun diablo

  • Marisa Montero Curiel
Published 30-05-2024

This study attempts to reflect on the presence of words included in el Diccionario de autoridades (1726-1739) as invented and humorous, frameworks with which more than two hundred mottos are registered in this first lexicographic work published by the Real Academia Española. After a general review, in which the formative mechanisms that served to create the phrases are explained, an in-depth attempt will be made to analyze the origin of a small group of words marked with the adjectives invented and humorous. In this case, phrases related to the noun devil (diablo) allow us to discover the motivation, the mechanisms that operate in its formation, and the reason for its inclusion in that primitive dictionary. We consulted the academic corpora CORDE, CREA, CORPES XXI, and, especially, the lexical heritage gathered in the NTLLE to verify its subsequent presence and/or absence in the Spanish language.

Prevalence and Vitality of Neologisms in the DVUA

  • Gloria Guerrero Ramos
Published 10-06-2024
The aim of this paper is to review the DVUA, directed by Manuel Alvar Ezquerra, what is contained therein. To do so, we will highlight the concept of neologism used in this work and we will evaluate the degree of vitality and survival of the neologisms or neological uses included in the dictionary.

Maria Kitova-Vasileva: bibliography

  • Stanimir Míchev
Published 18-01-2024

Los parámetros neológicos según las nuevas realidades. Algunas observaciones

  • María Auxiliadora Castillo Carballo
  • Juan Manuel García Platero
Published 08-07-2024

This article redefines the traditional criteria taken into account when considering a lexical item to be a neologism. The continuous technological changes, the importance of social networks and the decisions taken by the RAE have led to the modification, to a greater or lesser extent, of the parameters for considering whether or not we are dealing with a neologism. The importance of the social factor is perceptible, especially if we take into account the age variable, without forgetting the psychological perspective. Similarly, the temporal and lexicographical perspectives take on a different dimension.

Reseña de "Configuración informativa y estructuración lingüística. Evidencialidad, intersubjetividad y miratividad"

William SHAKESPEARE. Soño dunha noite de verán. Trad., intr. e notas de Miguel Pérez Romero. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2020, 257 pp.

«Lotófagos» by José Ángel Valente in the musical theatre piece Wüstenbuch (Book of the desert) by Beat Furrer

  • Guillermo Aguirre Martínez
Published 14-05-2024

In his posthumous collection of poems Fragmentos de un libro futuro (2000) José Ángel Valente explores the nature of language, oblivion and death. One of the book’s poems dialogues with the passage from the Odyssey in which the lotus-eaters appear. On the basis of Valente’s poem, the composer Beat Furrer wrote, in 2006, the piece Lotófagos, later incorporated into his musical theatre work Wüstenbuch (2009). In this paper we analyze this composition from a series of motifs, images and concepts implicit in Valente's poem, such as, above all, the desert.

A rescued dramatic play: As estrelas están lonxe by Manuel María

  • Teresa López
Published 21-04-2024

This article presents and publishes for the first time the play As estrelas están lonxe (1966-1967) by Manuel María, based on the typescript discovered among the theatre censorship archive files for 1970 at the General Administrative Archive in Alcalá de Henares. As estrelas están lonxe was awarded second place in the 4th Castelao Prize, organised by the O Galo cultural association in 1967, but was never staged or published and thus remained unknown. The play explores the phenomenon of Galician emigration in Europe, examining the socioeconomic causes behind it and its psychological consequences. The discovery and publication of As estrelas están lonxe marks the completion of the corpus of dramatic works by Manuel María.

Women Emancipation in 19th Century: work and education in Fanny Garrido’s narrative

Published 14-05-2024

The narrative by Fanny Garrido from A Coruña is a representative sample of how the debate about the emancipation of women experienced a rise in the second half of the 19th century. This paper aims, on the one hand, to rescue Garrido’s work, unknown to the public and critics. On the other, to address how the author’s liberal ideology, regarding female education and work, penetrates her two main novels: Escaramuzas (1885) and La madre de Paco Pardo (1898), through exhaustive analysis and based on studies about women’s situation at this time as well on the thoughts of some of her contemporaries such as Concepción Arenal.

The Expression of Pain: Ekphrastic Examples in Recent Spanish Poetry

  • Sergio Fernández Martínez
Published 08-02-2024

Through four collections of poems constructed by means of literary ekphrasis, this article proposes an approach to the new critical perspectives of the genre. The study includes the books La piel del vigilante [The Skin of the Watchman] (2005), by Raúl Quinto, Sistemas inestables [Unstable Systems] (2015), by Rubén Martín, Descendimiento [Descent] (2018), by Ada Salas, and El bello mundo [The Beautiful World] (2019), by Francisco Javier Navarro Prieto. The selected corpus shares, from different intermediate approaches, the same theme —the body in pain—, and show a clear renewal of ekphrastic codes. Although they have all been published in the 21st century, each collection of poems engages in different dialogues of very different sign with the original artistic work, thus offering a broad panoramic portrait of current ekphrasis. This demonstrates not only the growing vitality of the genre, but also its relevance and scope in recent Spanish poetry.

Memory, inner exile, and trauma in De algún tiempo a esta parte, by Max Aub: from the individual to the collective

  • Andrés de Jesús Segura-Amancio
Published 30-05-2024
De algún tiempo a esta parte (1939) is the monologue written by Max Aub that marks the beginning of his literature composed in exile. The work mirrors the contentious reality of Europe at that time, as seen through the character of Emma. This character, a kind of literary alter ego, allows Aub to reveal the repercussions of exile and to condemn the atrocities committed by European totalitarian governments. As a result, this article delves into the construction of collective memory based on the testimony of an individual character, the inner exile experienced by this character and the trauma associated with surviving in a tragic context. It also draws parallels with Aub’s real-life situatio.

Metaphor as a structuring element of the poems of Antonio Martínez Sarrión

  • Héctor Acebo Bello
Published 30-05-2024
In the lyrics of Antonio Martínez Sarrión ― an exponent of the neo-avant-garde generation of the Novísimos ― the metaphor not only transmits ideas in a precise and aesthetic way, but also functions as a means to structure the poem. In this sense, the author from Albacete uses the different modes of metaphorical development characterized by Vicente Cabrera: the metaphorical singularity (the different linguistic games are at the service of an idea expressed in a conceptualization), the metaphorical plurality (metaphors are juxtaposed), the metaphorization of metaphors (the concepts overlap, thus creating double metaphors) and the revitalization of metaphors (an element of surprise is injected into a worn-out metaphor, with which they coexist, in the mind of the reader, the current and the old meaning).

José Ángel Valente in Los Cuadernos de Velintonia

  • Laura Paz Fentanes
Published 18-07-2024

This article starts from Los Cuadernos de Velintonia as a source of information for different studies related to its content or to authors who are especially relevant to them. Below, information is briefly offered regarding the relationship between José Ángel Valente and the author of the notebooks, José Luis Cano, and their main protagonist, Vicente Aleixandre. This previous context will serve as a basis to delve deeper into certain aspects or anecdotes in which the Galician poet appears mentioned in the book. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to gather all the cases in which José Ángel Valente is mentioned in Los Cuadernos de Velintonia in order to expand its context and the data of both links of the poet with the aforementioned authors, after which the conclusions that have been reached with all this information.

Arantxa FUENTES RÍOS: La lírica del novelista. Camilo José Cela entre poetas. Epistolario inédito con Vicente Aleixandre, Dionisio Ridruejo, José Agustín Goytisolo y Concha Lagos. Madrid: Visor Libros, 2024, 412 pp.

  • Laura Paz Fentanes
Published 19-07-2024

Vol 28 (2022)

Published: 2023-07-11

Table of contents

Tomas Moro’s Portrait by Herrera

  • Asunción Rallo Gruss
Published: 24-02-2023
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