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Luara Teixeira de Almeida
Diana Navas
No 9 (2022), Notes, pages 1-14
Submitted: 13-10-2021 Accepted: 07-06-2022 Published: 20-12-2022
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When we think about the contemporary book-object, we must consider the various elements that makes its graphic design and the way they contribute to the narrative construction. Therefore, we will analyse Lua Cheia, by Frenchman Antoine Guilloppé, from its material aspects and the way in which they expand the possibilities of poetic readings. Based on its graphic design, we will observe how this book offers multiple readings, a game of perception that expands beyond the boundaries of the object, through the technique of papercut. We will approach the materiality by means of this work in which it is the absence that operates from beginning till the end: the negative, the non-figure, the non-colours and the gaps created by paper cut-outs; all these elements that build this book-object make it fragile in manipulation, but robust in its reading possibilities. This paper aims to broaden the discussion about object-books and their techniques, which are present not as mere ornaments, but as applications that expand narrative meanings.

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