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Ana Margarida Ramos
Universidade de Aveiro
Diana Navas
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
No 7 (2020), Articles, pages 121-144
Submitted: 20-06-2020 Accepted: 28-09-2020 Published: 20-10-2020
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The purpose of this text is to reflect on the different relations of proximity and intersection between the filmic narrative and the picturebook format, identifying several examples of books aimed at children and young adults that depict cinema as a theme or a literary motif, or a simple allusion in terms of content, but also others that use various cinematographic techniques to tell a story. In addition, the text also analyses the picturebook 1.º Direito, by Ricardo Henriques, with illustrations by Nicolau, since it is inspired by the plot of the film The Rear Window (1954), by Alfred Hitchcock, and it presents the movie adaption into a picturebook format, by revisiting the film imagery.

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