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Sara Reis da Silva
Universidade do Minho
Eulalia Agrelo Costas
Universidade de Vigo
No 5 (2018), Notes
Submitted: 14-06-2017 Accepted: 11-01-2018 Published: 04-02-2018
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After making a series of allusions to the Portuguese editorial context linked to Children’s and Youth Literature after the end of Salazar’s dictatorship, they approach the cultural agent term, in which they inscribe the project Trinta por Uma Linha and its impeller, João Manuel Ribeiro, researcher, scholar and teacher of higher education, apart from being a renowned poet and storyteller. It is noted that the catalogs of the two labels that hosts, Trinta Por Uma Linha and Tropelias & Company, reveal a serious and documented bet in the field of Children’s and Youth Literature, by publishing volumes of the authorship of some of the most representative Portuguese names of this literary system and even of others in the process of emergency. These titles include relevant series, a case of “Rimas traquinas”, and propose an important, the only one of the genre in Portugal, collection of studies around the literature for the youngest, the collection “Percursos em Literatura Infantojuvenil”. It is also pointed out the resistance of these imprints for not falling in the difficult economic conditions derived from the crisis that and continue to fulfill an important informational and formative function.

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