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Sara Raquel Duarte Reis da Silva
Universidade do Minho
No 55 (2019): 2º semestre, Studies
Submitted: 22-05-2019 Accepted: 18-11-2019 Published: 07-01-2020
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Focusing on the first narrative of the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997), this study intends to account for the dynamism and heterogeneity inherent to children’s and youth literature, trait which results, to a large extent, from the artistic intersection that underlies this subsystem. About this editorial phenomenon, we will briefly highlight the main ideothematic and technical-expressive singularities, and then analyze its careful reprint, dated 2015. It is a book published with a considerable size/format, with over a hundred illustrations, by the english artist Jim Kay. Our aim is to emphasize the discursive plasticity, as well as the originality of its plot, full of shadows, light-dark, mysteries or enigmas, that allow for multiple readings and that gave rise to the reinventions/visual re-readings of the mentioned illustrator. To this book we also add a pop-up edition, of which we will present a brief reading.

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