Estudos de Lingüística Galega is a yearly journal established in 2009 with the objective of creating a forum for critical analysis and linguistic research and a place for discussion of the Galician language.

Given these aims, Estudos de Lingüística Galega contains two sections, Pescuda and Anada. In the Pescuda section the journal publishes original research articles on different branches of linguistics and philology. A special place is given to studies of Galician or of interest for Galician (including work on Romance linguistics, general linguistics, or with a theoretical or methodological focus), as well as studies of varieties of Portuguese. In the Anada section, the journal publishes an index of scientific writing in the year preceding each issue that is directly or indirectly related to Galician and original critical reviews of linguistic publications about Galician.

Estudos de Lingüística Galega has the quality imprint of the FECYT and is indexed in Scopus, ERIH PLUS, ESCI, CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, Linguistic Bibliography, MLA (Modern Language Association), REDALYC, DOAJ, Open Access Digital Library, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, CiteFactor, Cabell's Directory, REDIB. ANEP (the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva), CARHUS+ 2018 and CIRC (Clasificación integrada de revistas científicas) classify it as an A-type journal, the Integrated System Capes (Qualis Periodicos) as A2 and the ICDS in MIAR is 9,65.

The digital portal of Estudos de Lingüística Galega is in Galician and English; its languages of publication are Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, English and Italian.

ISSN 1889-2566
ISSN-e 1989-578X

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The quantifier ambos ‘both’ as a focal point of variation in contemporary Portuguese

  • Telmo Móia
Published 29-04-2024

In the literature, the universal definite quantifier ambos ‘both’, unlike its equivalent os dois ‘the two’, is regarded as almost exclusively distributive, inasmuch as it blocks collective readings, except in a few special contexts. These include instrumental adjuncts (as in the counterpart of ‘he lifted the box with both hands’) and, only for some speakers, operators of the type of mesmo ‘same’ (as in the counterpart of ‘they both attend the same school’). Sentences with ambos and collectivizing predicates, such as symmetric adjectives (diferente ‘different’), reciprocal operators (um com o outro ‘each other’), collectivizing adverbials (em conjunto ‘together’), quasi-divisible predicates (unir esforços ‘join efforts’) or indivisible predicates (somar 12 ‘equal 12’) are generally considered anomalous. In this paper, the use of ambos in contemporary standard (mainly European) Portuguese is assessed, taking into account all these critical contexts. The observation of data from contemporary newspaper writing and from literary text (of the past 500 years) and the data from a survey among 20 native speakers (linguistic experts) shows that this is an area of exceptionally intense linguistic variation, where signs of significant linguistic change are additionally observed.

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