Comparative analysis between literature and comic: Los que quedan (2019) by Josep Busquet and Alex Xöul
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The main aim of this note is to investigate the way in which the intertextual dialogue between literature and comics is carried out in the specific case of the graphic novel Los que quedan (2019), by Josep Busquet (Barcelona, 1975) and Alex Xöul (Barcelona, 1984), through a comparative analysis of the characteristic motifs of the open/ alternative worlds (Nikolajeva, 1988, 2012) and the rhetorics of the portal-quest fantasies (Mendlesohn, 2008; Levy and Mendlesohn, 2016) which are approached from a new and unusual perspective for the construction of the work studied. The work shows the recurrent intermediate transfers between artistic products aimed to adults and/or at children and young people, which result in works with similar constructions whose reception system is determined by the displacement of the protagonism of the children in favour of a construction centred on the vision, interests and concerns of the adults.
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