The journal Verba. Anuario Galego de Filoloxía publishes linguistic and philological studies annually. Verba was published for the first time in 1974 with the intention of disseminating philological studies conducted in Galicia and with the aim of devoting particular attention to the Galician language. Nowadays its focus is on Romance languages, with the emphasis on Spanish, Galician and Portuguese. The journal covers a variety of subjects from different fields, such as grammar, phonology, lexicon, critical text edition, linguistic theory and pragmatics. Each volume of Verba contains, in addition to original research papers, shorter notes about relevant issues and book reviews. The journal accepts work written in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian and English.

In addition to its annual publication, the journal also publishes a collection of monographs as supplements. Until 2010 Verba appeared in print (ISSN 0210-377X). From 2011 onward it has been published online only (ISSN 2174-4017).

The digital portal of Verba is published in Galician, Spanish and English.

Verba has held the quality imprint of the FECYT from 2014 onward, is included in both SCOPUS, ESCI and ERIH PLUS, Latindex. The list of entities where Verba is indexed is offered in MIAR.

Manuscript submission


The journal suspends the receipt and processing of manuscripts between 11 July and 31 August 2024.

An inventory of the Ourense cathedral goods written in Galician in 1493

  • Raquel Rodríguez
Published 27-05-2024

This study offers a interpretative edition of a partly unpublished medieval document written in Galician, an inventory of the Ourense cathedral goods, dated from 1493 and kept in the cathedral archive. Furthermore, the text will be compared to the excerpts transcribed by Castro & Martínez Sueiro (1923: 458-461), published by the Provincial Commission on the Historical and Artistic monuments of Ourense and entitled Documentos del Archivo de la Catedral de Orense. The introduction provided shows the document description and analysis and presents two indices: a place index and a name index.

The verb estar and the quantitative-subsective adjectives

  • Carlos Ynduráin Pardo de Santayana
Published 23-04-2024

Interpreting the quantitative value of adjectives related to properties that can occur to a greater or lesser degree (quantitative subsective adjectives) implies, in principle, two inferential processes: 1) to determine the category that the entity of which the property is predicated must be related to (that is, to establish what the comparison class is), and 2) to identify the prototype of that class, which would then act as a referent. Thus, in a sentence such as El niño es alto (The boy is tall), it is necessary to infer the class of things in relation to which the boy at issue is said to be tall (other children? people in general?) and use the prototype of the appropriate category as a reference to establish which entities belong to the subgroups of tall, medium height or short. In Spanish, however, when quantitative subsective adjectives are linked to the verb estar (estar alto, estar guapo…), the properties of the comparison class and the properties of the referent have very special characteristics. In this article, we will describe how the verb estar evokes, following the idea of relevance, a comparison class made up of the different manifestations over time of the entity to which the property is attributed, and how this causes a process of identifying the prototype to be replaced by the selection of other 'central' elements that enable the subdivision of that class.

The velarization process of Catalan 2nd conjugation participles: an example of delayed analogy

  • Manuel Badal
Published 23-04-2024

In this paper, we analyze the velarization process undergone by the participles of the 2nd Catalan conjugation. According to the morphomic connection between the PyTA morphome (i.e., perfect and related tenses) and the participle (Wheeler 2011: 205), the participle will adopt the same velar extension type that shows the PyTA pattern of any given verb. This extension may be /g/, in verbs like beure ‘to drink’ (3rd begué‘drank’, 3rd beguera ‘drank’, 3rd begués ‘drank’), or /sk/, in verbs like nàixer ‘to be born’ (3rd nasqué ‘was born’, 3rd nasquera ‘was born’, 3rdnasqués ‘was born’). From a corpus of Catalan works ranging from the 13th to the 19th century, we date the velarization process of some verb classes and we show that, indeed, there is a morphomic connection between PyTA forms and participles. However, the analogical regularization of participles usually appears at a later stage than in the PyTA forms and, in some cases, it does not even occur at all. Thus, based on the corpus data, we analyze the factors that favour or disfavour the penetration of the velar extension in the participle forms.

Grammatical gender in Spanish: history of a concept

  • Pilar Montero Curiel
Published 20-05-2024

The aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of the concept of grammatical gender in Spanish from a lexicographical perspective. Starting from the idea that gender in Spanish helps to express agreement relationships with determiners and other kinds of words that accompany the noun in the nominal group, I will try to understand how the Latin word genus, generis developed into Castilian género ‘gender’. It concerns a conceptual transposition that for the explanation of the word from a semantic point of view, has always taken into account its relationship with the (biological) concept of sex. This view emerges in the first language dictionaries, which allow for a grammatical specialization of the use of género, and persists until the latest, 23rd, edition of the academic dictionary, from 2014. Through the analysis of the definitions offered by the Spanish dictionaries, and with the support of some grammars, I will try to show that the use of the noun género with a grammatical meaning appears late in the wordlists of our language and that, from the first records onward, it has never been detached from its primitive meanings, closer to the concepts 'class', 'type', 'species', 'category' (common since Nebrija) from which the one of interest here also derived. Because, as the dictionaries show, this meaning arose to classify the category of the noun according to the sex of its referent or to establish syntactic relationships of agreement with other classes of words, without ever losing its morphematic character in nouns that designate species with a procreative function.

Phraseology in the columns on language (CSL): thematic object and expression of a linguistic imaginary

  • Isabel Santamaría Pérez
Published 23-04-2024

Research of the METAPRES group has allowed for analyzing the Columns on Language (CSL) as a specific metalinguistic discourse tradition that has continued since the end of the 19th century. In this context, the role of phraseology is studied in a corpus of csl published for decades. The principal aim of this paper is to analyze contrastively several authors as a sample of a metalinguistic discourse tradition in which certain compositional and discourse-pragmatic patterns repeatedly occur. Special attention is payed to phraseological units and their communicative function. The article shows the role played by phraseological unites (UFS) as linguistic elements, the extent to which they contribute to the construction of a specific way of presenting language and, consequently, their contribution to the transmission of general conceptions about language.

Latin Etymologies in the 12th Edition (1884) of the Dictionary of the Castilian Language of the Royal Spanish Academy

  • Enrique Jiménez Ríos
Published 23-04-2024

The article examines the Latin etymologies in the twelfth edition of the Dictionary of the Academy, from 1884. The recovery of this information at this time and the influence of historical linguistics on the diachronic knowledge of languages have focused attention on this edition and this type of etymologies. Latin etymologies are classified and described and the observations of authors contemporary with the dictionary are presented. These comments and the new historicist methodology affected the treatment of etymologies, with changes in this and subsequent editions, entailing the abandonment of remains of the past, Latin correspondences and equivalents.

Relative clauses in Spanish written texts

  • 1
Published 06-05-2024

This paper focuses on the use of relative clauses in Spanish written texts that either serve as an adjunct to the noun phrase or perform an incidental function. It evaluates how they are used in four discourse modes (narratives, descriptions, instructions and expositions). First, special attention is paid to the frequency of use and the differences observed in each text type. Secondly, the paper evaluates the performance of the different relative pronouns when they are used in restrictive or non-restrictive clauses and when they are used in clauses with or without an explicit antecedent. Thirdly, it concentrates on the morphological nature of verbs, paying special attention to the conditions that prompt writers to use the subjunctive.

Teachers in flannels vs. the aristocrats of pedagogy. Grammar battles and ideology in the wake of the 20th Century

  • Esteban T. Montoro del Arco
Published 23-04-2024

This paper analyzes the signs of the ideological conflict between two kinds of grammarians at the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century. On the one hand, there was a group of power, formed by authors who enjoyed social influence and recognition, considered to be authorities in grammatical matters, which includes both the grammarians of the Royal Spanish Academy and the grammarians-pedagogues of the neo-Catholic line close to the Escuela Normal Central of Madrid and to the circles of political power, such as Rufino J. Blanco or Ezequiel Solana. On the other hand, there was a less influential, more locally based school grammarians group, that had to learn and apply the technique of logical and grammatical analysis from the manuals of the former. In order to analyze this conflict, the marks of ideology present in the series of grammatical texts published by the Valencian teacher José Ramón Palmí Pérez (1872-1950), member of the second group, are extracted and analyzed. His texts show the difficulties encountered by teachers and opponents in applying the theories and analytical methods of their direct sources. The severity with which he treats the grammarians of the canon demonstrates the enormous division between the two groups. At the same time, the conservative ideology of that time, in terms of social and family relationships, emerges from the strategies used in making abstract syntactic concepts, such as régimen or subordination, accessible to the reader.

Lexical constraints on the informativeness of the &kt;Participle + Noun> construction

  • Olga Batiukova
Published 24-04-2024

This paper researches the role that lexical semantics and compositional mechanisms play in the assessment of informativeness at the phrasal and clausal levels. By way of illustration, the contrast between certain predicative and modification constructions, such as build a house - ??a built house will be discussed. The ill-formedness of the second member of this pair of related expressions can be accounted for by means of an approach based on the qualia structure of the head noun and the way in which the participle binds one of its values. More specifically, the paper will introduce a general constraint on the informativeness of constructions with a participial modifier which prevents the reference of the modifier to the default qualia values as encoded in the lexical entry of the noun. Based on this constraint, a set of specific predictions affecting different groups of verbs and nouns will be derived, which I will verify by looking into the distributional properties of the <Participle + Noun> expressions in corpus data.

The syntactic history of largar(se)

  • Claudio Garrido
  • Ricardo Avaca Avaca
Published 22-04-2024

In the present article, the semantic and grammatical changes of the verb largar(se) are analyzed from a diachronic perspective. In particular, the auxiliarization process is studied, especially the origin and diffusion of the inchoative value. For this purpose, a database was created from the linguistic examples in CORDE and CORPES XXI. The theoretical approach on which the analysis is based consists of grammaticalization theory, construction grammar and the general principles of historical semantics from a cognitive perspective. One of the most relevant results is the fact that, in the historical development of largar(se), two forces of analogical attraction intervene that are provoked, at different moments in time, by the verbs ir(se) and poner(se), respectively, as support constructions.

A diachronic study of dequeísmo in a corpus of private letters

  • Gael Vaamonde
Published 22-04-2024

Despite the considerable attention that dequeísmo has attracted within Hispanic linguistics research,  in fact, there are only a few studies approaching this construction from a diachronic perspective. Also, dequeísmo is rarely documented in the historical reference corpora of Spanish, thus limiting the empirical support for the diachronic approach of this construction. This paper provides new evidence and new examples of dequeísmo in classical and modern Spanish drawn from Post Scriptum, a corpus of private letters written between the 16th century and the first third of the 19th century. Based on the data and properties of this corpus, we address four topics concerning dequeísmo in the past: (i) its status as a marginal phenomenon, belonging to colloquial language (ii) its connection with the increasing use of the sequence de que in complement clauses (iii) its change into a visible variant throughout the Early Modern Spanish, and (iv) its distribution and how it matches the geographical distribution of speakers. Finally, in more general terms, this paper draws attention to the importance that small specialised corpora can have within historical linguistics research.

Nuno Perez Sandeu... a troubadour from Compostela? Historical documents and intertextuals arguments

  • Xabier Ron
Published 30-05-2024

Nuno Perez Sandeu is considered by the specialized community a Portuguese troubadour, probably member of a family from Asturias, although as yet no document indicating the presence of the troubadour has been found in Portugal. This study presents historical documents of the Tombo C of the Cathedral of Santiago and a reflection on dialogic and intertextual processes in Sandeu’s work that point into the direction that he may have been a citizen of Santiago de Compostela.

Reseña de April Baker-Bell. 2020. Linguistic Justice. Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy. New York & London: Routledge [xx + 128 pp.]. ISBN: 978-1-138-55102-2.

  • Victor M. Longa Martínez
Published 23-04-2024

Vol 50 (2023)

Published: 2023-09-25

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