No 32 (2022)

Dialogando sobre as 24 propostas do MEFP para a mellora da profesión docente

Published: 2022-12-09

Table of contents

Presentation of issue 32th

  • Eulogio Pernas Morado
Published: 09-12-2022

Commitment and professional ethics in access to teaching

  • Antonio Bolívar
  • Purificación Pérez-García
Published: 30-11-2022

The initial training of secondary education teachers in Catalonia: contributions to a dialogue that looks to the future

  • José Antonio Caride Gómez
  • Eduardo García Jiménez
  • Empar García López
  • José Gutiérrez Pérez
Published: 30-11-2022

Reform of initial teacher training in an eco-social perspective. Lessons from the pandemic

  • Teresa Susinos Rada
  • Jesús Romero Morante
  • Noelia Ceballos López
  • Ángela Saiz Linares
Published: 30-11-2022