Innovación Educativa is an annually published journal founded in 1991. Its basic aim is to promote the debate and to stimulate the reflection about innovative initiatives from any area of education (pedagogy, didactics, school organisation, and so on), as well as to favour the performance and spreading of those initiatives among the professionals of teaching, the researchers and students and those who, in a general way, are concerned with questions of a pedagogic and didactic nature. Innovación Educativa is indexed in ERIH PLUS, IRESIE, ESCI, Fuente Académica Premier, TOC Premier, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, REDIB and is present at 45.28% of the Spanish universities offering the corresponding studies (24/53).
In the RESH index, Innovación Educativa occupies, in the period 2005-2009, position 50 of 202 among Spanish journals in education with most impact. The index that measures the impact is the citation index and, to calculate it, the citations in the main Spanish scientific journals and the citations received at the Web of Science have been taken into account. It is included in 2023 in the Latindex Catalog 2.0 (fulfilling 38 of the 38 possible characteristics).
Innovación Educativa is published in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese and English.


Change of deadline


By indication of the USC Publications Service, the deadline for uploading the works is brought forward to June 15th.

No 33 (2023)

Educational innovation in art, science and society

Published: 2023-10-02

Table of contents

Presentation of issue 33th

  • Eulogio Pernas Morado
Published: 02-10-2023

Flipping the math classroom in the last courses of compulsory education through enriched videos

  • Cristina Jiménez Hernández
  • Cristina Jordán Lluch
  • Ángel Alberto Magreñán Ruiz
  • Lara Orcos Palma
Published: 02-10-2023

An innovative project to bring superior education students closer to the reality of the workplace

  • Juan Morales-García
  • Antonio Llanes
  • Andrés Muñoz
  • José M. Cecilia
Published: 02-10-2023

A proposal for an extended course description

  • Elena Vázquez Barrachina
  • Rosa María Alcover Arándiga
  • Vicente Chirivella González
  • Bernardo José Richart Solá
Published: 02-10-2023
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