No 25 (2015)

Institutes of Education Sciences. Research, innovation and training from its creation to the present day

Published: 2015-12-22

Table of contents

Presentación del nº 25

  • Eulogio Pernas
Published: 22-12-2015

TEI Program “peer tutoring”

  • Andres González Bellido
Published: 30-12-2015

Institute of Sciences of the Education of the University of Alicante: a bet by the team work

  • Salvador Grau Company
  • José Daniel Álvarez Teruel
  • María Teresa Tortosa Ybáñez
Published: 30-12-2015

Analysis of collaborative learning methodology in teaching module Labour Guidance and Training (LGT)

  • Javier Soto-Cid
  • David Silva-Gómez
  • María Isabel Lago-Cancelo
  • Cristina Gómez-Cantorna
  • Rosa Ana Vidal-Tubío
  • Alfonso Fernández-Vázquez
Published: 30-12-2015

The Project Based Learning: a constant challenge

  • Itziar Rekalde Rodríguez
  • Jon García Vílchez
Published: 30-12-2015

Promoting critical thinking among students becoming pre-school teachers

  • Juan R. Coca
  • David Casado-Neira
  • Jesús A. Valero Matas
Published: 30-12-2015

Xtreme sports in public schools: the three dimensions of contents and development of critical thinking

  • Daniel Teixeira Maldonado
  • Sheila Aparecida Pereira dos Santos Silva
Published: 30-12-2015