No 26 (2016)

Gender and education: women`s education, the long way to equality


Published: 2016-11-14

Table of contents


  • Eulogio Pernas Morado
Published: 07-12-2016

Introduction. Gender and education: women`s education, the long way to equality

  • Raquel Vázquez Ramil
  • María Josefa Mosteiro García
Published: 14-11-2016

The model of woman formed in the religious colleges

  • María Fernanda Piñero Sampayo
Published: 14-11-2016

Women academics and the challenge of internationalisation

  • Estrella Montes López
  • Tamar Groves
Published: 14-11-2016

Gender and research in education

  • Mª Josefa Mosteiro García
  • Ana Mª Porto Castro
Published: 14-11-2016

And you?, do you educate or co-educate?: a pedagogical glimpse from an integrating project

  • Raquel Mariño Fernández
  • Ana Isabel Álvarez Vázquez
  • Xulia Quintela Gallego
Published: 14-11-2016

Teachers’ ICT competences in Galicia: factors influencing teachers’ training needs

  • Josefa Carmen Fernández de la Iglesia
  • María Carmen Fernández Morante
  • Beatriz Cebreiro López
Published: 07-12-2016

Concept Mapping as a Learning Strategy in Higher Education

  • Alicia Pérez-Albéniz Iturriaga
  • Beatriz Lucas-Molina
  • Irene Solbes Canales
  • Sonsoles Calderón López
  • Gemma Martín Seoane
Published: 07-12-2016