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Mª Josefa Mosteiro García
Instituto de Ciencias da Educación (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, ESPAÑA)
Ana Mª Porto Castro
Instituto de Ciencias da Educación (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
No 25 (2015): Institutes of Education Sciences. Research, innovation and training from its creation to the present day, Works by invitation
Submitted: 11-12-2015 Accepted: 12-12-2015 Published: 30-12-2015
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The initial training of the Secondary school teachers was, during a lot of years, linked to the Institute of Education Science, for the organisation of the Course of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP). In this work present some data about the initial training of the Secondary school teachers in the ICE of the University of Santiago de Compostela from the course 2006-2007 until the 2008-2009, year in which it extinguished the CAP and sets up the current Máster in Secondary school teachers, Compulsory and Baccalaureate, Professional Training and Education of Languages.



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