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Antón Costa Rico
University of Santiago de Compostela
No 24 (2014): Topics: "School mediation" and "Rural school", Topic: a rural school
Submitted: 01-10-2014 Accepted: 12-11-2014 Published: 02-12-2014
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The schools in the rural surroundings of Galicia have a complex present, and a difficult although possible horizon. In the attempt to comprehend and interpret this reality, the author takes a genealogical and historical trip through the school presence in the rural surroundings of Galicia. Starting from the last decades of the 19th century, through the time of dawn of the twenties and thirties and of the Franco Dictatorship, afterwards arriving in the present time, which stands between the collapse and the renovation, and which implies a dignity of the human surroundings and of the rural schools, with the condition of undertaking the overall of the political, economic and cultural initiatives herein mentioned.

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