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Andressa Jove Godoy
Universidade de Aveiro
No 8 (2021), Articles, pages 1-16
Submitted: 30-09-2021 Accepted: 10-11-2021 Published: 30-12-2021
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This work is the result of a research that analyzed Portuguese poetry and short story books of Children’s Literature. This research aimed to characterize its editorial path and, from the observation of its peritexts, identify the recent editorial impact, resulting from its inclusion in the list of mandatory reading books in the Program and in the Curriculum Goals of Portuguese for Basic Education. The results portrayed in this work demonstrate the marketing and aesthetic editorial trends identified in the books presents in the corpus that can be generalized to a wider context of editing for children. These trends show the importance of the legitimacy given by the school so that works with less commercial appeal are not forgotten; some repercussions of a bipolarized publishing market under the control of large groups; and the contaminations and aesthetic echoes characteristic of the picturebook that are present in books of other formats.