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Anabel Medeiros Azerêdo de Paula
Universidade Federal Fluminense
No 8 (2021), Articles, pages 1-13
Submitted: 10-09-2020 Accepted: 14-12-2020 Published: 30-12-2021
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The contemporary Children’s Literature has proved to be a useful field for addressing fracturing themes (Ramos, 2009), that reflect the changes occurred in society, presenting books considered controversial because, among other challenging themes, they deal with homoafectivity and homoparenthood. It is assumed that narratives constituted by these fracturing themes in picturebooks of potential childish destination may take a pragmatic approach, intermediate between the ethical and the aesthetic field, narrating to convince. The aim of this paper is to analyze the verb-visual narratives: Amor de mãe (Carvalho, 2017) and Meus dois pais (Carrasco, 2010), in order to investigate the discursive strategies used for the treatment of homoaffectivity and homoparenthood in a communicative contract, whose potential recipient is the child. The main theoretical support for analyzing the narratives selected focuses on the Semiolinguistic Theory of Discourse Analysis, proposed by Patrick Charaudeau, and on some assumptions within the scope of Children’s Literature that investigate the picturebook, postulated by Linden (2011), Nikolajeva and Scott (2011), Paulino (2000) and Ramos (2009).