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Anabel Medeiros Azerêdo de Paula
Universidade Federal Fluminense
No 59 (2021): 2º semestre, Notes, pages 1-10
Submitted: 14-09-2021 Accepted: 07-11-2021 Published: 30-12-2021
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The contemporary picturebook has presented more and more innovative characteristics in the materiality of its text. The graphic resources which promote tactile experiences beyond visual contact, are seducing readers of different age groups. The boundaries that delimit the address of work such as the picturebook can be very tenuous, especially when it comes to books that address issues related to human sociability. Thus, inscribed in a semiolinguistics analysis perspective (Charaudeau, 2008), which focuses on the communication contract established by literature as a delayed interlocutory exchange between writer and reader, this paper intends to investigate how reading skills required by picturebooks, which can act as pre-validation parameters (Emediato, 2007) to effect a reading contract with the adult recipient. The corpus of analysis of this investigation is composed of two Brazilian picturebooks: Triste (Sica, 2019) and Inquérito policial: família Tobias (Lísias, 2016).

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