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Carlos Rosales López
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 34 (2024): 50 Aniversario dos Estudos de Pedagoxía en Galicia (1974-2024), Articles
Submitted: 06-02-2024 Accepted: 02-10-2024 Published: 29-11-2024
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Based on the study of the latest UNESCO Report (2021), Reimagining our futures together. A new social contract for education, in which special attention is paid to minority and migrant populations, the objective of this work is to highlight the deficiencies that currently exist at a social and educational level to provide quality education to this sector of the population, and present guidelines for its improvement in the future. Characteristics of migrant movements and their difficulties in accessing educational services are studied. Conditions for improving their education are analyzed in relation to social reception attitudes, the characteristics of the teaching organization and teacher training A methodology has been used based on the study of specialized bibliography and documents from institutions such as UNESCO, such as the World Education Monitoring Report for 2019 and specifically projected on migrant populations, reference is also made to the Declaration of New York for Refugees and Migrants of 2016, to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration promoted by the UN in 2018 and to the Global Compact on Refugees of 2018. This work concludes with the realization of a series of proposals for the qualitative improvement of the education of migrant populations related to their social reception, their integration into the educational system and the improvement in the training and provision of teachers.

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