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Ana Mª Porto Castro
Instituto de Ciencias da Educación (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Isabel Sánchez Manso
Xunta de Galicia
No 28 (2018): In the centenary of the Institute-School creation: past, present and future of the integrated public schools of compulsory primary and secondary education, Works by invitation, pages 125-137
Submitted: 08-10-2018 Accepted: 09-10-2018 Published: 15-11-2018
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The Organic Law 1/1990, provides for the operation of integrated centers covering two or more levels of education and the Royal Decree 1004/1991, June 14, in its first additional provision considers the operation of centers of different teachings in the same building or school site, determining the spaces that are common and that allowing more flexible organizational forms to adapt to the different situations that the school reality may present. In this context the Department of Education and University Planning implements and regulates the existence in the educational organization of the Autonomous Community of Galicia of the integrated public centers (Decree 7/1999, of January 7, DOG núm.16, Tuesday, January 26 of 1999).
Reflecting on these issues, the opportunities that arised from the implementation of integrated public centers for students and their families is part of the objectives of this article. For this, we start from a specific case, the current CPI of Viaño Pequeno located in the municipality of Trazo. The story of how this center was implemented through the voice of a teacher who was then part of the teaching staff, the information and the data it provides, allow us to chronicle a reality that bears many similarities with that of the other 53 centers integrated publics currently distributed in the geography of Galicia.
To give an account of all this, a brief geographical description is initially made and some notes are presented that help to situate the case of this center in the specific environment where it is located and, at the same time, some events that show how it is located are indicated and was forging the process of implementing an integrated public center in a Galician rural municipality.

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