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Lourdes Montero Mesa
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
No 34 (2024): 50 Aniversario dos Estudos de Pedagoxía en Galicia (1974-2024), Works by invitation
Submitted: 02-10-2024 Accepted: 02-10-2024 Published: 29-11-2024
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This article addresses the meanings derived from reviewing a life story in its institutional contexts of reference. In my case, at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) since 1984, in the Faculty of Educational Sciences and in the Departments of Didactics and School Organization and Pedagogy and Didactics.
I have organized the content of this article into: introduction and two sections; the second, extensive, is divided into two sub-sections. The text ends with a “by way of closing.” The organizing criterion chosen is both thematic and temporal: the milestones indicate those events that marked my life story in the reference institutions.

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