Cultivating the respect for Nature and innovation on non-fiction – new publishing trends on non-fiction books published by Planeta Tangerina
Main Article Content
This article aims to characterize the main editorial trends in children's non-fiction books on
Environment and Nature published by the Portuguese publishing house Planeta Tangerina.
Following the proliferation of the genre in Portugal, it is intended to analyze the role of textual and
visual media in the construction of knowledge in the books Lá Fora (2014), Um Ano Inteiro (2017),
Plasticus Maritimus (2018) and Apanhar Ar, Apanhar Sol (2022) and how these modalities transmit
In addition to their educational and informative purpose, children's non-fiction books have
become more "sophisticated, multimodal and polysemic" (Grilli, 2020, p.17), which allows multiple
interpretations and creativity in the representation of factual content. Moreover, this aspect
contributes to a better appreciation of their aesthetic and artistic nature.
With this study it is intended to analyze how the selected corpus contributes to the transmission
of knowledge that not only is supported by the verbal content, but also by the visual side, recurring to
trends such as multimodality and hybridity. In addition, we pretend to verify if the similarities present
in the corpus allow us to trace a "publishing trend" in the non-fiction books on the subject published
by Planeta Tangerina.
Article Details
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