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María Vidal-Franco
Universidad de Salamanca
Olalla Cortizas Varela
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 10 (2023), Notes, pages 1-13
Submitted: 04-09-2023 Accepted: 24-10-2023 Published: 18-11-2023
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This article describes a tour through a selection of four stories which main theme revolves around books and libraries. Specifically, three illustrated albums and a poem book: A book in a book, by Jörg Müller; The lonely book, by Kate Bernheimer, illustrated by Chris Sheban; The little red fish, by Taeeun Yoo; and The verses of the silly book, by Beatriz Giménez de Ory, illustrated by Paloma Valdivia.

The principal aim of this publication is to show a scarcely explored ground as is the metaliterature, a field that has a lot of benefits to offer in the sphere of encouragement of reading and the world of literature education. The idea consists in exploring some characteristics and some paratextual resources of the literature works that could be interesting to stimulate children (we refer to the main characters of the books, of humanised books, of journeys to the core of the books, to intertextual references to art…). In summary, these resources represent an important help as tools so that the mediators capture the attention of the young readers.