In a youth narrative, Anything could happen: analysis of the book by Will Walton
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Anything Could Happen is a youth North American novel written by Will Walton in 2015 and which, in Brazil, was published by V&R. In this work, the objective was to identify the communicative-cultural potential of the work, through a structural and contextual analysis of the narrative. For this, the methodology of qualitative and interpretative-analytical approach was adopted, starting from the script by Gancho (2006) and expanding to cultural dimensions. The theoretical foundation was anchored in narrative studies, based on Todorov (2011), Genette (2011) and Barthes (2011), among other authors. The results showed that, in addition to the conventional narrative categories (plot, temporality, places, narrator and discourse), it was possible to detect linguistic, social, historical and artistic-cultural references.
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