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Hector Alfonso Melo Ruiz
Carleton College
No 10 (2023), Articles, pages 1-18
Submitted: 24-10-2022 Accepted: 17-04-2023 Published: 06-10-2023
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This article analyzes three works of children’s literature depicting the Vaccine Revolt, a 1904 riot that took place in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the article is to consider how the Carioca masses’ subjective violence is portrayed in literary discourse and, above all, what is and is not remembered. I argue that these works romanticize the era, erasing the violence itself. Despite its goal to facilitate young readers’ historical learning, this literary endeavor remembers the riot as a simple souvenir of Rio’s Belle Époque, not as a milestone of popular resistance against the modernizing violence of the State. The works include: Ludi na Revolta da Vacina (1999) by Luciana Sandroni; Eu era criança: Durante a Revolta da Vacina (1998) by Marilú F. Marin and Elias Monteiro; and Quatro dias de rebelião (1980) by Joel Rufino dos Santos.

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