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Juliana Pádua Silva Medeiros
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Patrícia Aparecida Beraldo Romano
No 9 (2022), Notes, pages 1-14
Submitted: 08-10-2021 Accepted: 03-04-2022 Published: 30-11-2022
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The aim of this article is to discuss the sign potentialities of the symbolist poem by Alphonsus de Guimaraens (1870-1921) "Ismália" (1923-posthumous publication), reworked in book-object format, given that the artist-researcher Odilon Moraes brings a very inviting proposal to the reading in an illustrated accordion edition of Ismália, thus resignifying a literary classic of the twentieth century. In this work, previously published by Cosac Naify (2006 and 2014) and, today, by Sesi-SP (2018), Moraes creates a graphic design that enhances the sonority of the poem from an aesthetic-playful game with the folds of the paper and the arrangement of images on the "pages", giving new rhythms to the reading that becomes, in the handling of the object, performative. Believing that the textual architecture of this poetic artifact enables the interest of students for a text with almost 100 years, it is proposed a mediation work with the book in question in the light of the following theoretical basis: Derdyk (2013), Martins & Silva (2020), Palo (2019), Zumthor (2005), Carrión (2011), Navas (2019), Navas and Ramos (2020), among others.