The literature for children in the henhouse: Poetic nuances in "The Chicken That Put Potatoes", by Simone Pedersen
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Young Adult and Children’s Literature is indispensable for the cognitive, communicative, psychological and critical formation of the young reader, besides contributing to the social, historical, linguistic and cultural formation of the citizen. Based on this, the objective of this work was to analyze Simone Pedersen’s The Chicken That Put Potatoes (2011), with a view to questioning the educational and cultural contribution that this production can offer to the Brazilian artistic/educational scene, especially to the classroom activities. class. Through a narrative and stylistic analysis, anchored in the studies of Candida Vilares Gancho, Kátia Brädling and Roxane Rojo, it was necessary to verify the contributions of Simone Pedersen to contemporary Brazilian children's literature; to observe the communicative dimensions of the speech presented in The Chicken That Put Potatoes; and explore the cultural mediations of the narrative of the respective work. The final considerations pointed out that working in children's literature in the classroom is synonymous with exploring the artistic, historical, political, social and cultural dimensions of the work.
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