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Silvana Augusta Barbosa Carrijo
Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Catalão, Brasil.
No 1 (2014), Articles
Submitted: 14-03-2014 Accepted: 05-05-2014 Published: 24-05-2014
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Pressuposing that the work of literary art potentially directed to children and young people constitute, beyond an aesthetic object, a cultural construct produced by adults, we must consider such literary works as phenomenon occured from ideological values ??that require reflection, questioning and critical attitude, once they show worldviews, behaviors and benchmarks that can be accepted or refuted by the child reader and the young reader. Accordingly, through distinct theoretical studies, because the epistemological production directed to the examination of child and youth literary genre presents interdisciplinary for us, it is important to investigate the literary work Alice no espelho (2005), by Laura Bergallo, illustrated by Edith Derdyk. In this youth narrative, the author contemplates the story of Alice, a teenager who develops a painful and agonizing process of anorexia nervosa. From an intense and constant process of intertextuality with the classic literary work by Lewis Carroll, the writer focuses in this theme in a very literary form, distancing her work of a mere medical compendium of symptoms and treatment of disease. Through this study, we aimed to investigate the literary representation of the body and the intertextual investment made by the author as one of the stylistic procedures that confer literariness to this work.


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