Focus and Scope

Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil is a scientific publication, published annually and edited by the LITER21 Research Group (GI-1839-Galician Literature. Children’s and Young Adult Literature.  Literary, artistic, intercultural and educational research) at the Institut of Education Sciences-University of Santiago de Compostela.
It is sponsored by: the University of Santiago de Compostela; the Thematic Research Network ‘Las Literaturas Infantiles y Juveniles del Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano (Iberian and Latin American Children’s and Young Adult Literature)’ – LIJMI; the project ‘Investigación en Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil (Children’s and Young Adult Literature Research)’, which takes place at the Centro Ramón Piñeiro para la Investigación en Humanidades, under the dependency of the Language Policy Secretariat at the Xunta de Galicia; and ELOS-Galicia. Asociación de investigación en Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil (Children’s and Young Adult Literature Research Association).
Established in order to foster the discussion and reflection of Children’s and Young Adult Literature, a forum for critical analysis, the diffusion of research, and the visibility of this literary system.
To achieve these objectives, this Journal presents four sections: Miscellaneous, original research papers relating to Children’s and Young Adult Literature, which focus on historiography, literary theory, the analysis of literary works, translation, literary education and anything linked to this; Monographic Section, whose papers follow the same structure and formal aspects that apply to the articles in the Miscellaneous section, but which respond to a specific topic that will be announced together with the corresponding call for papers; Reviews, critique relating to monographs, studies, journals, and any other material of a scientific nature, published in the last two years relating to the Journal’s thematic; and To Find out More, a repository of critical papers or monographs of individual or collective authorship, considered relevant to the study and knowledge of Children’s and Young Adult Literature, such as profiled bibliographies that provide direction for further research in this field, and contribute to its development.
Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil
is published in Galician, Spanish, English and Portuguese.  The Web page can also be viewed in Galician, Spanish and English.

Peer Review Process

Papers received in the editorial office will be reviewed by one of the journal's editors, with the assistance and collaboration of the editorial board, who will be assigned to the submission and will determine whether the paper meets the minimum requirements for publication. It will be determined whether it fits thematically and formally in any of the sections of the Journal and whether it complies with the publication rules and the Journal's requirements for submission; in this respect, the author must fill in a "Form for authors" and, where appropriate, must send permission to reproduce materials. In the event that the work does not meet the minimum requirements for publication, the corresponding editor will send the author a reasoned communication of the rejection within a maximum period of one month from the assignment of the submission to the person in charge.

The works that meet the minimum requirements indicated will be sent anonymously to two experts in the subject who will issue a report on the suitability of their publication. They will be selected on the basis of their research career. In addition, the names of specialists suggested by the author may also be considered, provided that they did not participate in any way in the preparation of the work, did not read it beforehand and do not maintain any type of relationship with the author that could make the result of the evaluation depend on criteria that are not strictly scientific. The author may also refuse the name of a maximum of two potential reviewers with whom he/she has any type of relationship that could, in the same way, lead to the introduction of criteria unrelated to the quality of the work in its evaluation. In any case, the names of the reviewers will not be disclosed to the author(s) of the paper (double-blind system). For papers to be published in the Miscellaneous, Monographic Section and Reviews sections, both reports must be positive. If only one of the evaluations recommends the publication of the paper, it will be sent to a third anonymous reviewer whose opinion will be final. Once the reports have been received, the submission will be approved or rejected, and the author will be notified by e-mail together with the anonymous evaluation reports.

Papers commissioned by the journal's Editorial Committee will be subject to the same refereeing system as those that arrive at the editorial office without prior commissioning.

If the paper is provisionally accepted, the journal's Editorial Committee may include in the communication a list of its own recommendations. These will include, if necessary, indications regarding style, wording, grammatical correctness and presentation of the information, as well as a list of non-compliances with the publication rules. Texts written in English will be checked by an expert proofreader. The author will have to make the appropriate modifications or pleadings to the requested changes within one month. The new paper, with the changes introduced, must be sent to the Journal highlighting the changes made using highlighting format. When clarification is required, the author will send a document linking the modifications made to the paper with the changes requested by the reviewers and including the arguments considered relevant. The new version of the paper, together with the document indicated, will be sent again to the reviewers, who, within fifteen days, will issue a report on the suitability or otherwise of the publication.

Within fifteen days of the communication from the reviewers, secretary will notify the final acceptance or rejection of the work. In this notification, which will be sent by e-mail, the author will be informed in which issue of the Journal the paper will be published.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of a paper will be sent to the authors within a maximum period of 6 months from receipt of the submission. Originals that are not accepted for publication will be archived.

Publication Frequency

Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil publishes works in a continuous flow until the completion of each issue, which is published annually. Thus, once the final versions of the works in Galician/Portuguese, Spanish and/or English are received, they will be added to the table of contents of the "current" issue.

Open Access Policy

Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil has open access to its full-text content.

There are no processing charges.

Exclusion of Liability / Disclaimer

In no events will Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil be liable for the content of any manuscript or article published.  Sponsoring the diffusion of the same, will not inherently imply agreement of the thesis presented.  Furthermore, the Editor assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the possible violation of intellectual property rights by the Author

Instructions for referees

Miscellaneous, Monographic Section and Review Section

Peer Review Objectives

The aim of the peer review is to determine whether the manuscript submitted has sufficient interest and quality to be published in this section of Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil, with or without changes, or alternatively rejected.  Acceptance of a manuscript and approval of its publication does not imply validation of the thesis or the proposals defended in the same.

Peer Review Approach

Thematic interest

The referee will indicate if the manuscript adheres, or not, to the thematic publishing criteria of the Journal.


The referee will also indicate whether the manuscript meets the minimum quality requirements, to merit publication.  Therefore, the following aspects must be taken into consideration in Miscellaneous and Monographic Section:

  • Originality and relevance: Has the author made a new and relevant contribution to the field of investigation?
  • Adaptation Methodology: Has the author employed the correct methodology?
  • Conclusion Adaptation: Have all conclusions been proved correctly from the data presented?
  • Presentation: Has the author structured and presented the information correctly?
  • Bibliography utilisation: Is the bibliography employed apt for the author’s research?  Has the bibliography been analysed appropriately?

Peer Review Presentation

The referee must complete the form, indicating and justifying, whether the manuscript adheres to the thematic interests of the Articles section and the quality criteria of the Journal, within the period of one month from the date of receipt of the manuscript.

Quality criteria must be dealt with during the peer review process, and commented on throughout the evaluator’s report, which will present all their arguments freely.  All duly justified evaluations realised are appreciated, whether positive or negative.  We also advise all evaluators to differentiate between primary and secondary observations in their arguments.

The referee’s comments must be concomitant with the decision taken in regards to the publication of the manuscript.  Thus, it must indicate one of the following:

  • a) The manuscript should be published without changes.
  • b) The manuscript should be published with minor changes.
  • c) The manuscript should be published with significant changes.
  • d) The manuscript should not be published.

In the event of options b) or c) being chosen, the referee must clearly outline the necessary changes to be realised, in order for the manuscript to be published.  This explanation must be justified or referenced accordingly with comments referring to the quality of the manuscript.

Peer Review Style

The report must be clear and precise.  Please ensure that you are particularly clear when outlining the aspects to be modified, in order for the manuscript to be published, and include the complete reference of any paper mentioned.

Since one of the peer review’s main objectives is to improve the quality of papers through constructive criticism, we request that you avoid employing expressions that may discourage authors in their research process.  (Please bear in mind that the manuscript may belong to a researcher who is just starting out, and your critical or constructive peer review could help them improve or reformulate basic aspects of their work methodology).

Peer Review Process

The reviewers must send the review form within a maximum period of one month from the receipt of the review task (in Galician, Spanish or English). Each paper will be sent to two external reviewers and, if there are discrepancies between them, it will be sent to a third, whose opinion will be final. The communication of the decision to the author will be accompanied by the anonymous reports of the reviewers. If necessary, a single report may be sent, drawn up by the Editorial Committee on the basis of the forms submitted by the reviewers.

If the work is provisionally accepted, the author must make the appropriate modifications or pleadings for the requested changes within one month. The new paper, with the changes introduced, must be sent to the Journal highlighting the changes made using the highlighting format. When clarification is required, the author will send a document linking the modifications made to the paper with the changes requested by the reviewers and including the arguments considered relevant. The new version, together with the document indicated, will be sent again to the reviewers, who, within approximately fifteen days, will issue a report on the suitability or otherwise of the publication. The Editorial Committee, within fifteen days of the reviewers' communication, will agree and notify the final acceptance or rejection of the work. In this notification, which will be sent by e-mail, the author will be asked to send the paper in the languages of publication of the Journal (Galician, Spanish and English) and will also be informed in which issue of the Journal the paper will be published.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of a paper will be sent to the authors within a maximum period of 6 months from receipt of the submission. Originals that are not accepted for publication will be archived.

The refereeing system is double-blind, so that neither the authors of the papers must know the names of their referees nor the referees must know the names of the authors. Therefore, referees are requested not to include any comments in the report that could reveal their identity.

Peer Review Form

To Find out More Section

Peer Review Objectives

The aim of the peer review is to determine whether the manuscript submitted has sufficient interest and quality to be published in this section of Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil, with or without changes, or alternatively rejected.  Acceptance of a manuscript and approval of its publication does not imply validation of the thesis or the proposals defended in the same.

Peer Review Approach

Thematic interest

The To Find out More section of Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil, will only include a repository of critical papers or monographs of individual or collective authorship, considered relevant to the study and knowledge of Children’s and Young Adult Literature, such as profiled bibliographies that provide direction for further research in this field and contribute to its development.  As the manuscripts submitted for publication in To Find out More may have been previously published in abridged or other form or language elsewhere (even if that journal does not publish in Galician, Spanish and English), they will not be evaluated by external referees.  However, the Editorial Committee will be responsible for issuing a report that indicates whether or not, the manuscript adheres to the Journal’s thematic areas of interest, and should therefore, be included in this section.


The Editorial Committee will also indicate whether the manuscript meets the minimum quality requirements, to merit publication in this section of the Journal, upon having considered its relevance to the study, knowledge, and research development of Children’s and Young Adult Literature.

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Committee will notify via email, within the period of three months from the date of receipt of the manuscript, whether the manuscript has been accepted or rejected for publication in this section of the Journal.

Indexed/abstracted in

Elos is indexed in ERIH+, ESCI, REDIB, MIAR and Latindex.

Ethical Guidelines

The publication of scientific articles involves several actors, including the publisher, the editors in chief, the reviewers and the authors. It is expected that each of these agents have an ethical behaviour referred to ethical principles partially inspired in those provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines.


The publisher provides technical assistance and support to the journal editors in the use of the web platform, and maintains the software updated and able to facilitate the submission, evaluation and publication process of scientific works. The publisher also collaborates with the editors in chief indexing the papers, providing information about the databases requirements and, so, contributing to the Journal positioning in the usual rankings. Broadly, the publisher should helps to increase the editorial quality of the Journal, contributing to its visibility, internationalization and impact.

Editors in chief:

Editors in chief ensures that manuscripts submitted are evaluated based exclusively on its intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation or philosophical trend of the authors. They guarantee the confidentiality of the work, not revealing the identity of the authors to other agents except to those authorized by the publisher, the potential reviewers, the actual reviewers or the editorial board of the journal. Editors can refuse a job if it not satisfy the formal requirements or approach a subject not belonging to the scope of the journal. Editors communicate within the deadlines, once they see the referees and heard the editorial board, the acceptance or rejection of the submitted papers.


Reviewers should refuse to refer a paper if they do not feel qualified in the subject approached or if they can not take the evaluation within the deadline suggested by the Journal. The referee report should be objective and written in a clearly and reasoned style. Reviewers should avoid ad hominem references and offensive or demeaning comments; their suggestions should focus mainly on the improvement work. Reviewers should treat manuscripts as confidential documents, and their contents is not used in their own works. Reviewers should reject referee papers if they show a conflict of interest, for example a past or present relationship with the paper's authors or the institutions they depend.


Authors should submit papers containing original research on a clearly identifiable and not previously published subject. They should not send articles including a substantial part of others papers or books already published. Papers should be written so that they can be understood or replicated by reviewers. If ideas of others are used, they should be clearly referenced; plagiarism is an unacceptable behaviour and its detection involves cancel the submission or remove it from the platform if it was already published. In case of co-authorship, all people that significantly contribute to the paper are considered its author; each author should be able to identify which parts of the work are own and which parts are from others authors, and must maintain confidentiality of the all contents until the article is published. Simultaneous paper sending to other Journals is a sufficient condition for archiving it. If in the process of the paper edition the authors find errors or improprieties, they should communicate to the editors in chief as soon as possible and cooperate in their correction. Authors should communicate the potential conflict of interest between the paper findings and the financial support.

These guidelines are consistent with the ethical code of the University of Santiago de Compostela, institution to which this Journal belongs.

Inclusion and diversity

Use of inclusive and non-sexist language

The journal promotes and encourages the use of inclusive language that takes into account diversity, promotes respect for all people and is sensitive to differences, thus promoting social equality and equal opportunities. To this end, care must be taken to ensure that submissions do not contain jargon, stereotypes, assumptions or prejudices of dominant majorities, avoiding negative references to a person because of their age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, social class or health status. Before proceeding with any submission, you should verify that the wording is free of prejudices or biases such as those expressed. For this purpose, it is recommended, for example, to use gender-neutral language whenever possible or, when dealing with a disability, to use current and respectful terms rather than old and stereotypical terms that may be offensive.

For more information, see the Guía para un uso no sexista de la lengua (2019) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), produced by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


The journal favours inclusion and diversity in the field of research of which it is the promoter and disseminator. In particular, it encourages and watches over the increase of under-represented groups, such as women, people of other ethnic groups or socially disadvantaged groups, in the editorial team and other necessary processes, such as authorship or evaluation of papers.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Convention on the Rights of Women

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Digital preservation policy

This journal develops various processes in order to preserve permanent access to digital objects hosted on its own servers:

- Backups.
- Monitoring of the technological environment to foresee possible migrations of obsolete formats or software.
- Digital preservation metadata.
- Use of DOI.

The files published on this website are available in easily reproducible formats (PDF)

Anti-plagiarism Policy

This journal is a member of Similarity Check, a multi-publisher initiative started by Crossref to screen published and submitted content for originality.

Through Similarity Check, we use the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted or published manuscripts.

By depositing all of our content in the Similarity Check database we allow other Similarity Check members to screen their submissions against our published articles.

Interoperability protocols

Elos provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata.


OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata 1.1

URL for harvesters:


University of Santiago de Compostela

Thematic research network ‘Las Literaturas Infantiles y Juveniles del Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano (Iberian and Latin American Children’s and Young Adult Literature) (LIJMI)

Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades (Ramon Piñeiro Centre for Research in the Humanities)


ELOS-Galicia. Asociación de investigación en Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil (Children’s and Young Adult Literature Research Association)

Sources of Support

Research Group LITER21 (GI-1839 – Galician Literature.  Children’s and Young Adult Literature.  Literary, artistic, intercultural and educational research)

Journal History

Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil is a scientific publication, which is published annually by the LITER21 Research Group (GI-1839 - Galician Literature.  Children’s and Young Adult Literature.  Literary, artistic, intercultural and educational research, at the Faculty of Philology, Department of Galician Philology – University of Santiago de Compostela.  It was set up in 2013 in order to foster the discussion and reflection of Children’s and Young Adult Literature, a forum for critical analysis, the diffusion of research, and the visibility of this literary system