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Ferran Robles i Sabater
Universitat de València/Universität Leipzig
Vol 39 (2012), Articles
Submitted: 29-01-2013 Accepted: 29-01-2013
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This paper pursues the analysis of léase as a textual unit with metacommunicative value and its representation in bilingual dictionaries of Spanish as a foreign language for German speakers. The study of the form, meaning and discursive functions of léase allow us to include it within the group of the paraphrastic reformulation markers, next to es decir, a saber, o sea and esto es. Although limited in its use to the written language and the most formal registers, léase contributes to textual coherence and cohesion in the same way as these metalinguistic markers do, since, on the one hand, it makes thematic progression and structuring of information possible and, on the other hand, it guarantees the unity of the texts in which it appears. Its capacity to direct discourse towards argumentative goals and to mark discursive operations such as definition, reference designation, naming or exemplification, put léase on a level with other more prototypical reformulation markers

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