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Enrique Pato
Université de Montréal
Jorge Agulló
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Vol 50 (2023), Articles
Submitted: 25-05-2021 Accepted: 17-11-2021 Published: 09-08-2023
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This article analyses the distribution of resumptive pronouns in modal sentences in the syntax of Spanish. Some configurational diagnoses are put forth, as the optionality of the (overt) pronoun or its ability to pick up the head of the clause when it is ambiguous. Resumption may not be derived from the general mechanisms triggering the covert or overt nature of the unstressed pronoun in root contexts. The analysis brought to the fore conceives these modal constructions as kind-defining relative clauses and accounts for the resumptive pronoun in a fashion already followed by previous studies in Spanish.