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José António Souto Cabo
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 49 (2022), Articles, pages 1-47
Submitted: 18-05-2021 Accepted: 17-08-2021 Published: 07-06-2022
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This paper includes the edition and study of five unpublished Galician-Portuguese documents kept in the Torre do Tombo Archive and produced in Portugal between the end of the 12th century (ca. 1188-1192) and 1270. The earliest one is a notícia relating to the inquiry process whereby a property in Friamil (Castelo de Paiva) was returned to the royal control. Due to its chronological location, it becomes part of the tiny group of documents in Portuguese that can be ascribed to the last decades of the 12th century. The second writing (1243), in addition to being one of the first examples of a dispositive nature written in Romance, contains a graphic novelty of great relevance: the first uses of the supralinear stroke as a diacritic of vowel nasality. The third part of this article includes three documents from the second half of the 13th century, each of them with unique characteristics. The earliest one, the economic report prepared for Rui Garcia de Paiva by two of his vassals (ca. 1265), approaches to the epistolary genre, which is shown, at the linguistic level, by expressive aspects that are novel outside the literary domain. As for the contract established between that same Rui Garcia and the Order of Santiago in 1268, among other noteworthy features, it serves as an example of the influence exerted by an allochthonous model of writing, in this case Castilian, in Portuguese territory. The last text, written in 1270 by Gil Vicente, is a precious example of the refined mastery of graphic resources, almost close to the normative model of the time.