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Petr Čermák
Universidad Carolina, Praga
Vol 45 (2018), Notes, pages 341-360
Submitted: 23-10-2017 Accepted: 26-12-2017 Published: 19-09-2018
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Based on the documentary evidence of the Prague Linguistic Circle Collection in the Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences as well as on other sources partially unknown until now, this paper focuses on the famous 1929 Theses, a text that significantly influenced the history of linguistics. The article analyses two main topics: 1) the genesis of the text and its subsequent diffusion in the world; 2) some linguistic aspects of the text, mainly of its French original version, and the problems with the interpretation of certain ideas in the text that arise from an inadequate translation of some terms. The article indicates that only a reader with a knowledge of Czech/Slavic languages can completely understand some of the ideas in the Theses.
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