No 21 (2011)

Inclusive education

Published: 2012-04-27

Table of contents

In memory of Professor Herminio Barreiro

  • Aurelio Barreiro
Published: 07-05-2012


  • María del Pilar González Fontao
Published: 30-04-2012

Fighting exclusion: good practices and school success

  • Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez
Published: 30-04-2012

From the of integration school to the inclusive school

  • Margarita Valcarce Fernández
Published: 30-04-2012

Emotional intelligence as inclusive education strategy

  • Clara Isabel Fernández Rodicio
Published: 30-04-2012

Work for an inclusive space in the UPV/EHU. FICE, 1982-2010

  • José Ramón Orcasitas García
Published: 30-04-2012

Inclusion of students with disabilities in the university: the opinion of teachers

  • Gabriel Comes Nolla
  • Belén Parera Pozuelo
  • Gemma Vedriel Sánchez
  • María Vives García
Published: 30-04-2012

Accessibility and work projection: what is the opinion of disabled students at the USC?

  • Mª Dolores Fernández Tilve
  • Mª del Mar Sanjuán Roca
Published: 30-04-2012

Walking along inclusion in Secundary Educational Centers

  • Mª José León Guerrero
  • Yolanda Arjona Calvo
Published: 30-04-2012

School contributes for digital inclusion

  • Bento Duarte Silva
  • Maria da Graça Caridade Barbosa Pereira
Published: 30-04-2012

Discriminatory power of the Bangor Dyslexia Test

  • Paula Outón
  • Andrés Suárez
  • Rebeca Abal
Published: 30-04-2012

Commited to creativity: an alternative space in our congress

  • Laura Lodeiro
  • Juanjo Lorenzo
Published: 30-04-2012

Research in education: profile and attitudes of masters students

  • Iria Martínez García
  • Beatriz Mira Miñones
  • Isabel López Ben
Published: 30-04-2012

The internal functioning of the teacher clusters

  • Laura Lodeiro
Published: 30-04-2012