No 27 (2017)

Conflict and coexistence in School


Published: 2017-10-27

Table of contents

In Memoriam Mª Fe Vázquez Armada

  • Raquel Vázquez Ramil
  • Ángel Serafín Porto Ucha
Published: 29-11-2017
Pages I

Presentación del número

  • Eulogio Pernas Morado
Published: 29-11-2017
Pages III-IV

Presentación del tema. Conflicto y Convivencia en la escuela de hoy

  • Felicidad Barreiro Fernández
  • Beatriz García Antelo
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 1-4

The peer support systems and its contribution to convivencia

  • José María Avilés Martínez
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 5-18

The building school convivencia model to prevent bullying and cyberbullying

  • Rosario Ortega Ruiz
  • Francisco Córdoba Alcaide
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 19-32

The evaluation of coexistence plans for the reflection of educational practice

  • Ana Mª Moral Mora
  • Amparo Pérez Carbonell
  • Inmaculada Chiva Sanchis
  • Genoveva Ramos Santana
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 33-46

The role of the guidance specific team in behavioural disorders

  • José Enrique Abalo Quintela
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 47-59

Interactive groups contribution from students and volunteer’s perspective

  • Edurne Chocarro de Luis
  • Sara Mollà Peña
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 61-73

The emotional education programs Happy 8-12 and Happy 12-16 for the assertive resolution of conflicts in children and adolescents

  • Pilar Rueda Carcelén
  • Enric Cabello Cuenca
  • Gemma Filella Guiu
  • Agnès Ros Morente
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 75-90

Viewers of gender cyberviolence

  • Trinidad Donoso Vázquez
  • María José Rubio Hurtado
  • Ruth Vilà Baños
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 107-119

Observe violence 2.0: complicit behavior, of the Galician adolescence, according to gender

  • Mª José Méndez-Lois
  • Milena Villar Varela
  • Felicidad Barreiro Fernández
Published: 27-10-2017
Pages 121-131

Educational well-being, innovation and ICTs in Portugal: adaptation of a questionnaire

  • Carlos Monge López
  • Joaquim Luís Medeiros Alcoforado
  • David Montalvo Saborido
  • Juan Carlos Torrego Seijo
Published: 29-11-2017
Pages 133-150

Attention to cultural and gender diversity on teachers´ training

  • Inmaculada Gómez-Jarabo
  • Primitivo Sánchez Delgado
Published: 29-11-2017
Pages 165-185

Educational innovation and renovation of teaching methods: Ieducarts and l'Hort 2.0

  • Ana María Botella Nicolás
  • Amparo Hurtado Soler
Published: 29-11-2017
Pages 205-217

In the beginning was the body: in defense of the complex body

  • Valéria Neves Kroeff Mayer
Published: 29-11-2017
Pages 255-263

Integration of ICT in the field of Engineering. Design and implementation of interactive activities

  • Blanca María Caballero Iglesias
  • Elena Bilbao Ergueta
  • Maite De Blas Martín
  • Ana María De Luís Álvarez
  • María Isabel Eguia Ribero
  • Paulo Etxeberria Ramirez
  • Aitziber Iriondo Hernández
  • Amaia Menéndez Ruíz
  • María Arritokieta Ortuzar Iragorri
  • María José Garcia López
  • Itziar Aranguiz Basterrechea
Published: 29-11-2017
Pages 265-283

School Project 2.0 in Galicia (Spain): teachers’ perceptions

  • Fernando Fraga-Varela
  • Almudena Alonso-Ferreiro
Published: 29-11-2017
Pages 285-301