What are the areas of educational transversality?
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This paper analyzes the characteristics of educational transversality in a series of areas such as the organization of teaching content, administrative planning, work in schools and classrooms, resources or educational media and innovation models.
It is used a methodology based on the reflection on the current educational reality at the levels of pre-school, primary and secondary education and on the analysis of relevant works in the field, as well as documents and programs of an international nature and legislation in an historical and administrative sense, with specific study of the treatment of transversal themes in the organic laws corresponding to the last decades in our country: LODE (1985), LOGSE (1990), LOE (2006) and LOMCE (2013).
The organization of contents highlights the need to promote interdisciplinary work and in teams, capable of overcoming the limits of conventional disciplinary organization. With regard to administrative planning, its ambiguous and unguiding nature is underlined, with greater incidence at the level of goals, principles and objectives, but not so much content, with notable imbalances in the treatment of various issues.
It is considered that the school can translate into its educational project an adapted planning of transversal themes. And that the teacher, as a trained professional to redirect the teaching and learning processes, can make the development of them in the daily tasks of the classroom a reality.
It is proposed that educational innovation in the teaching of transversal themes combine the descending model, promoted by the educational administration, with the ascendant, constituted by valuable initiatives of teachers and centers and the horizontal, when institutions and centers coordinate and cooperate in projects that start from common needs and assume similar aspirations.Keywords:
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