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Jorge Ladino Gaitán Bayona
University of Tolima, Colombia
No 3 (2016), Notes
Submitted: 17-03-2016 Accepted: 22-12-2016 Published: 31-12-2016
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In "liquid times" affections resemble objects of consumption and life seems water escaping from the hands (as suggested Zygmunt Bauman in his books). The person needs contemporary writing as home to save him from oblivion and rescue his aspirations to transcendence. A personal letter is the possibility of long-winded love ties, breaking a standardized order where people do not care but their roles in the ???. These issues are recreated in The man who wanted to write a letter (2002), by Colombian writer Evelio JoseRosero. It was published by Norma Editorial in the "Free Zone" collection for "young adults". The nouvelle breaks with the Colombian tradition in the field of children's literature, which prioritized the use of terror, fantasy or stories of teenagers worried about the issue of identity, misunderstood in their families and affected by bullyng at school. Instead of supernatural adventures, it tells the adventure of writing from someone who is not a teenager. This article analizes the book of José EvelioRosero, taking into consideration ideas of Nathalie Sarraute, Maurice Blanchot, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Schiller, Patricia Waugh and Jorge Luis Borges.

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