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Beatriz dos Santos Feres
Universidade Federal Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro-Brasil)
No 3 (2016), Articles
Submitted: 05-10-2015 Accepted: 11-02-2016 Published: 30-03-2016
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As a cultural asset, the picturebook presents complex conformation and requires the observance of some reading strategies, which can assist the mediator to capture the reader and develop his/her fruitive and interpretative competence.  In contrast to the narrativity, which is preponderant in the verbal part of the text, the pictorial portion is priority regarded as descriptive. For this reason, the construction of meaning is based in inferences and affections, providing the beings and objects appreciation and the poeticity. This paper aims to problematize how picturebooks make sense, highlighting mechanisms related to descriptive-discursive function  of  verbal-visuality, towards the comprehension of  the process of meaning-making and the contribution of reading mediators training,  to make them aware of the potentialities in the text. The base theory of this article is constituted by some concepts of Semiolinguistic Theory of Discourse Analysis (Charaudeau, 2008; 2013), beyond others specific aspects of the picturebook (Nicolajeva& Scott, 2011; Linden, 2011). In order to prove the effectivity of the descriptive-discursive function, works illustrated by Graça Lima, OdilonMoraes, Nelson Cruz, MarildaCastanha and Ellen Pestilli were elected for this analysis.


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