An improvement for CORGA with applications to other corpora and languages: the tagging of scientific binomial nomenclature
Main Article Content
The treatment of multiword units is an unfinished task in natural language processing. In this context, we isolate binomial scientific nomenclature terms, whose main traits – Latin or Latinized multiword expressions and international recognition – distinguish them from the Galician ‘popular’ lexicon and make their treatment applicable to other languages. After reviewing their characterization in CORGA and other Peninsular corpora, we propose an analysis of scientific names as a particular subtype of nouns, namely, scientific nomenclature, without specifying values for gender and number. We then describe the interventions conducted on the kernel and the training corpus to include the new tag into the XIADA system and, subsequently, we asses two strategies for the detection of candidates: a specific tool for extracting scientific names and online inventories. Finally, in light of the data provided by CORGA, we verify a significant presence of binomial scientific terms and show the relevance of the new tag for their identification and distribution.
Article Details
BNC: British National Corpus (XML edition)> [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
CB: Corpus Brasileiro [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
CdE: Corpus del español (Género/Histórico) [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
CdP: Corpus do português (Género/Histórico) [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
CORGA: Corpus de Referencia do Galego Actual (CORGA) [Consultado: 1-17/2/2022]
CORPES: Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI. [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
CRPC: Corpus de Referencia do Português Contemporâneo. [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
CT: Corpus Tècnic. [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
CTAG: Corpus Técnico Anotado do Galego. [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
CTILC: Corpus textual informatitzat de la llengua catalana. [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
TILG: Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. [Consultado: 9/2/2022]
XIADA: Etiquetador/Lematizador do Galego Actual (XIADA) [2.8]
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