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Fernando Fraga de Azevedo
Universidade do Minho, Instituto de Educação Departamento de Estudos Integrados de Literacia, Didáctica e Supervisão
No 62 (2024), Studies
Submitted: 27-03-2024 Accepted: 13-11-2024 Published: 26-12-2024
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This work investigates the visual representation of the iconography of the Carnation Revolution on the covers of works of literature for children and young people published on commemorative dates, exploring its evolution and impact on the perception and values associated with the Revolution. The research addresses a gap identified in the literature review: the limited existence of studies dedicated exclusively to the analysis and visual interpretation of covers of literature for children and young people. The overall objective of this study is to know and understand the iconographic elements that refer to the Carnation Revolution on the covers of works of literature for children and young people. The methodology followed is qualitative, observational in nature, focusing on the visual and interpretive analysis of the covers of the works mentioned. The study's results show that as the distance from the historical event increases, the symbols of the Revolution tend to be simply presented, yet certain foundational values remain: freedom, joy, democracy. The reception of these texts by younger generations is believed to help them learn about the value of freedom, both in a literal and metaphorical sense, and about how visual organization can convey powerful messages.
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