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Carmen Ferreira Boo
Universidade da Coruña
No 61 (2023), Notes
Submitted: 13-10-2023 Accepted: 23-10-2023 Published: 20-12-2023
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A brief theoretical approach is made about the figure of the dragon (physical characteristics, functions and actantial role) in oral transmission literature and its use in Children's and Youth Literature. Afterwards, works of this literary system published in the 20th century that use this character are discussed. Its physical appearance, its role in the plot and the adaptation carried out by the writers, who make use of modernization, humanization, deconstruction, caricature, etc., are analyzed. Their evolution is observed and it is concluded that the sphere of action of aggressor or treasure guardian and the physical appearance are mostly maintained; and, to a lesser extent, the role and prosopography are modified, either due to the effect of humanization or due to caricature, humor or parody.

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