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Alba Rozas Arceo
Universidad de Salamanca
No 59 (2021): 2º semestre, Studies, pages 1-20
Submitted: 21-09-2021 Accepted: 21-11-2021 Published: 30-12-2021
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This study proposes that Vicente Risco's novel A porta de palla constitutes the recreation of an alternative history based on the construction of Nerbia as a counterfactual or alternative space of Santiago de Compostela. In order to corroborate this hypothesis, the novel is analysed from the assumptions of literary cartography, which are based on the supposition of the existence of an interrelation between the empirical world and fictional spaces. Thus, on the basis of the narrative characteristics of each place, a series of typologies are established to determine their correspondence with real geography, according to their cartographic representation possibilities. Finally, on the basis of the maps resulting from this analysis, which allow us to corroborate the initial assumption, we study how the gestation of the alternative space entails the development of new assumptions about History.

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