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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The request has not been previously published, or presented to another journal (or an explanation has been given in Comments to the editor).
  • The text fulfills the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in Norms for authors.
  • If you are applying to a section of the journal which is reviewed by pairs, you should make sure that the instructions in Guaranteeing a blind review are followed.
  • If the paper contains any kind of material whose reproduction requires for permission, please indicate this circumstance (using Comments to the editor). Authors are responsible for respecting intellectual property when they reproduce materials as part of their works and must send the corresponding permissions to the journal.
    The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.

Authors interested in submitting essays, notes or book reviews for their publication in the Boletín Galego de Literatura must adhere to the following guidelines:

1st) Works must be unpublished and verse upon topics related to Literature in general, of any culture, and to Literary and Critic Theory.

2nd) Works in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, English or German will be accepted even though all of them, except those in Portuguese or those destined to the section ‘Documents’, will appear in Galician with the permission of the author. Deadline for submitting works will be open during all the year and, approximately, those which are received before the end of March will be publish in the first semester issue and, those which are received before the end of September, in the second semester issue. This information will be provided to author after the revision phase.

3rd) Originals from first cycle University students must be endorsed by their PAT and the lecturer who directed them prior to their submission and will be subjected to the criteria made explicit in these guidelines. In multiple-authored papers, the responsible author, who will also be the contact person, must be identified. It is the responsibility of this author to ensure that all authors who share responsibility for the paper are acknowledged and to ensure that all authors are aware of and have approved the final version of the paper. In addition, the names of the authors should be listed in alphabetical order of surnames in case they all contributed in the same way to the paper. If the contribution of each author is different, it is recommended that this be stated in a footnote.

4th) Each work must be submitted as an electronic document following these guidelines. We kindly ask that each author ensures that the electronic document is not infected with any virus whatsoever prior to its submission. Moreover, it is very important that author completes metadata (name, surname, affiliation, e-mail, ORCID ID, country, tittle of work, abstract, keywords and bibliography) within the platform, in the original language of the article and English. If author has any problem whit this task, he can ask for assistance from the journal team.

5th) Maximum length of works will be 30 pages for the section ‘Studies’, 15 for ‘Notes’, 20 for ‘Rendezvous’ and ‘Documents’, 6 for ‘Books’ and 10 for ‘Creation’. The body of all works and final bibliography, if they include one, must be in font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing.

6th) Originals must be duly written and punctuated.

7th) Essays and notes must be headed as follows:

  • Title of essay or note: centred, lower case, black, font size 12.
  • Name and surname of author/s: underneath the title, centred, lower case, Times New Roman, font size 12 in italic.
  • University (or institution) the author works in and ORCID ID: under the name, centred, lower case, Times New Roman, font size 12.
  • Brief summary of essay or note (max. 200 words) and keywords in the original language of the article and in English. If the author has any problem with this task, he can ask for help to the journal team.

8th) Reviews must be headed by a bibliographical entry in full of the work reviewed by adhering to the following example:

  • Printed book: Surname, N. (year). Title of the book. Country: Publishing House. Collection, number of the collection, number of pages.
  • Online book: Surname, N. and Surname, N. (year). Title of the book. Country: Publishing House. Collection, number of the collection, number of pages. DOI o URL
  • Book with editor: Surname, N. (Ed.). (year). Title of the book. Country: Publishing House. Collection, number of the collection, number of pages.

Furthermore, the name, affiliation and ORCID ID of the review author will be added at the end of the paper, right-aligned, the name in italics ant the other information in round hand.

9th) Short quotations which do not exceed three lines must be between double quotation marks within the main text and in Times New Roman and font size 12 (never italics). Longer quotations must be placed in a new paragraph with left indentation and font size 10. A quotation within another quotation must be marked with single quotation marks.

10th) Each table, picture, graph or image must be numbered consecutively with Arabic and must include a label, placed in its final emplacement.

11th) In the works submitted to the Boletín Galego de Literatura, footnotes must be collocated in their rightful place, numbered consecutively with Arabic, in font size 12.  included at the end of the text, numbered in correlation and within a single electronic document. The content of the notes will help to clarify or develop in some concepts, not for including quotations. It is recommended that the extension of the footnotes not exceed ten lines.

12th) Citation references must be placed between brackets according to this system: (Boves Naves, 1989, p. 47).

Sometimes the names of the authors cited may be placed within the text itself instead of between brackets. Please see the example below: As Boves Naves has already put it (1990, p. 50), literature...

Besides, repeated citation references of the same work will include all the information, avoiding formulas such as op. cit. or ibidem.

13th) All the quotations and citations in the text must be referenced in a final section, “Bibliography”, following APA rules. According to the final updated version (7th edition), bibliographical data of books, articles, book chapters, academic works, webs, newspaper articles and audiovisual works will be compose according to these examples:

  • Books:

Surname, N. (year). Title of the book. Publishing House.

Surname, N. and Surname, N. (year). Title of the book. Publishing House. DOI or URL

Surname, N. (Ed.). (year). Title of the book. Publishing House.

  • Journal article:

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (year). Title of the specific article. Title of the journal, volume (number of the journal), starting page number–final page number. DOI or URL

  • Book chapter:

Surname, N. (year). Title of the chapter. In N. Surname (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. XX-XX). Publishing House. DOI or URL

  • Thesis or monographs:

Surname, N. (year). Title of the work [document type: doctoral thesis, dissertation, etc.]. University. URL

  • Web page:

Surname, A., Surname, B., and Surname, C. (year). Title of the specific article [Special format if there is any]. URL

  • Journal article:

Surname, N. (date of publication following the format 1 January 2020). Title of the article. Name of the Journal. URL

  • Movie or another audiovisual work:

Producer Surname, A. (producer) and director Surname, A. (director). (year). Name of the movie [type of the work: movie, documental, etc.]. Country: Production Company.

These following files include models which can be downloaded for facilitating the task of adapting the manuscripts to these guidelines.



14th) The board of editors reserve the right to undertake minor alterations in the submitted works with the only aim of proofreading mechanical or linguistic errors. Should there be a considerable amount of necessary modifications, the author/s will be consulted upon these in order to obtain permission to carry them out.

15th) The submitted works which adhere to these technical guidelines, after a previous check made by the assigned editor, will be assessed by two external experts (three, if both reports are not satisfactory), maintaining always the anonymity of the author of the work and of the assessors (‘double blind’). However, the final decision on its publication will fall upon the board of directors of the Journal and the scientific advisory board. In the case of book reviews, the assessment will be carried out by the editorial team of the journal.

16th) The assessor must submit the review form in a maximum period of one month starting from the date of receipt of the work. Should any discrepancies arise amongst the reviewers, this form will be submitted to a third assessor, whose decision will be final. The secretariat will communicate the acceptance (final or conditional) or the rejection of the collaborations via e-mail and in a period of about three months after the date of receipt of the work. This communication will be accompanied by the anonymous reviews of the assessors. Possibly, just one report written by the drafting committee and based on the reviews submitted by the assessors may be sent.

17th) Should the work be provisionally accepted, the author must carry out in a maximum period of fifteen days the appropriate modifications or allegations for the requested changes. The new revised text must be submitted to the Journal by highlighting the performed changes via the format ‘enhance’. In the event of any clarification being needed, the author will submit a document in which s/he establishes a link between the modifications carried out in the work and the changes requested by the assessors and includes the allegations which s/he may consider relevant. The new version, together with the aforementioned document, will be once again submitted to the assessors who, in a period of a fortnight, must issue a report on the convenience or not of the publication.

18th) The drafting committee, in a period of a fortnight starting from the date of receipt of the report by the assessors, will agree upon and notify the final acceptance or rejection of the work. Within this notification, sent via e-mail, unless the author requests a printed copy, the author will be asked for the submission of the work in the languages of publication of the Journal (Galician or Portuguese, should the work had been submitted in that language) and, in addition, the issue of the Journal in which his/her work will be published would be stated. If the author has any problem to carry out these translations, he can ask for assistance to the journal team.

19th) The Boletín Galego de Literatura will not accept responsibility for the content of any works submitted by authors and the fact of sponsoring their diffusion will not necessarily imply any compliance with the theses put forward. The editor, where applicable, is exempted from any responsibility derived from the possible infringement of intellectual property rights by the author.