Lexical constraints on the informativeness of the &kt;Participle + Noun> construction
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This paper researches the role that lexical semantics and compositional mechanisms play in the assessment of informativeness at the phrasal and clausal levels. By way of illustration, the contrast between certain predicative and modification constructions, such as build a house - ??a built house will be discussed. The ill-formedness of the second member of this pair of related expressions can be accounted for by means of an approach based on the qualia structure of the head noun and the way in which the participle binds one of its values. More specifically, the paper will introduce a general constraint on the informativeness of constructions with a participial modifier which prevents the reference of the modifier to the default qualia values as encoded in the lexical entry of the noun. Based on this constraint, a set of specific predictions affecting different groups of verbs and nouns will be derived, which I will verify by looking into the distributional properties of the <Participle + Noun> expressions in corpus data.
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