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María Mare
Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (IPEHCS-CONICET)
Vol 47 (2020), Articles, pages 163-194
Submitted: 19-03-2019 Accepted: 14-07-2019 Published: 24-12-2020
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The aim of this paper is to study argument alternations in Latin verbs prefixed by ante, circum, praeter and trans from a neo-constructivist approach. The proposal endeavors to explain the manner in which different arguments obtain their case features and what happens when one of them is demoted. Along these pages we argue that passive sentences provide empirical evidence against the hypothesis that non-selected objects acquire their case features from the prepositional prefix. The main reason for rejecting this is that in these constructions the non-selected object presents nominative case, instead of accusative case. This result is unexpected if this object is subordinated to the preposition.

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