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Mª Pilar Garcés Gómez
Universidad Carlos III
Vol 46 (2019), Articles, pages 403-437
Submitted: 14-09-2018 Accepted: 01-10-2018 Published: 09-09-2019
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The aim of this research is to show how discourse is organized in eighteenth-century prose texts, a period of great importance in the history of the Spanish language, since in that period new models of discourse organization were developed in the form of both simpler and more precise expression. We focus on the study of two types of discourse markers: order and explanation. These markers are frequently used in the prose of this period; the relevant properties are, first, the delimitation of form and the distribution of function in their respective paradigms and, secondly, the incorporation of new signs and the introduction of new functions and discourse values in addition to the existing ones. The analysis allows us to demonstrate that the discourse functions and values of these markers in the written texts of the first stage of modern Spanish configure the ways in which discourse structuring will be established in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, when these are consolidated and expanded. The theoretical approach to this problem is based on the concepts of grammaticalization as expansion and subjectification, which serve to explain the internal factors that have motivated the development of these discourse markers in the eighteenth century, and the concept of discourse traditions in order to detail their incorporation, diffusion and consolidation in different genres and textual models.

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