The syntax and semantics of vectorial expressions in Spanish
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This article tries to determine which fundamental properties locative adverbs (arriba ‘up’, debajo ‘down, ahí ‘there’, etc.) have in European Spanish when they occur in vectorial constructions. Special attention is paid to those adverbs that can be modified by an adverb of degree (muy, más) or a measure expression (dos metros ‘two metres’, diez horas ‘ten hours’). The feature [±Perfectivity] can be used to distinguish gradable adverbs ([-Perfective]) from those which are not ([+Perfective]), since the degree expression selects the feature [-Perfective] of the adverbs with which it is combined. Therefore, only Locative Intransitive Adverbs (ALI: arriba, abajo) and Locative Transitive Adverbs (ALT) of distance cerca (lit. ‘near’) and lejos (lit. ‘far’) can occur in these constructions (muy{arriba/cerca}), while the rest of ALT (encima ‘above’, debajo ‘below’) cannot, unless they are part of a prepositional locution, which is preceded by the preposition por (*muy debajo vs muy por debajo). The analysis adopted here is based on the proposals made by Horno Chéliz (2002) and Romeu Fernández (2014), which focus on the meaning of locative constructions.
Article Details
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