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Josefina García Fajardo
El Colegio de México
Vol 45 (2018), Articles, pages 23-37
Submitted: 13-09-2016 Accepted: 17-12-2016 Published: 19-09-2018
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In this paper I argue that un cierto, in Mexican Spanish, is an indefinite determiner that may have specific and nonspecific readings referentially, scope and epistemically. The content of ‘non-explicit property’ is shared by both determiners: cierto and un cierto; however, our analysis reveals some contrasts between them: the lack of the correspondent plural form for un cierto, and some frequent occurrences of this determiner with semantic extensions which generate individuated readings, as well as readings with an «individual constant» and with an «indexed relation». All these features suggest a sense of individuated precision.

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