Some notes on M. Hummel’s Polifuncionalidad, polisemia y estrategia retórica. Los signos discursivos con base atributiva entre oralidad y escritura (2012)
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This work deals with the core aspects of the 2012 Martin Hummel's book Polifuncionalidad, polisemia y estrategia retórica. Los signos discursivos con base atributiva entre oralidad y escritura [Polyfunctionality, polisemy and rhetorical strategy. Discursive signs with attributive base between orality and writing]. The book concentrates on the need to distinguish between oral discourse markers and written discourse markers. They themselves and their functions are different in one and another uses of the language, and besides that, they present divergent flective features. Hummel's different theses are commented on in connection with those of other authors and a phraseological study of the “syntagmatic enunciative adverbs” (“discursive phrases”) is presented.