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Manuel Ferreiro
Universidade da Coruña
Vol 40 (2013), Articles, pages 453-470
Submitted: 12-06-2013 Accepted: 12-06-2013
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Following Cunha’s theory of the impossibility of eliding and/or contracting the conditional conjunction se (or que and ca) in secular Galician-Portuguese troubadour poetry, this article examines the occurrence of se in apparently contracted forms in the 1996 edition of the Vulgate Cycle. Despite a few textual-critical problems arising from the manuscript tradition of the texts, the revision of all instances of the form proves the validity of Cunha’s theory, since there are textual elements present in all cases which permit an alternative analysis to the solution traditionally adopted by editors. By approaching the manuscripts from a different perspective, therefore, this study demonstrates that it is not necessary to elide the vowel in se in order to achieve the correct number of beats or for the texts to make proper sense.

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